How to FSU - The University Encyclopedia (2024)


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  • ASPA

    ASPA:The Academic Studies and Examinations OfficeExternal link is there for you if you have problems with registering or deregistering for examinations, if you want to withdraw from examinations, or if you want to apply for an extension of the writing time for your term papers. If you have any questions about exams, you can find a lot of information in the FAQExternal link.

  • Attempts

    For an exam you have a first and a second attempt. If you do not pass an exam in the first attempt, you are usually automatically registered for the second attempt. You can also deliberately skip the first attempt. You must apply to ASPA for a third attempt (hardship case).

  • Campus

    The Ernst-Abbe-Campus is centrally located in the city at Ernst-Abbe-Platz 3 and accommodates the Institute for Political Science and Social Studies, many large lecture halls and seminar rooms, as well as the Law, Economics and Social Sciences Branch Library. The Ernst-Abbe-Mensa is located on the campus itself.

  • Cloud

    The FSU CloudExternal link is a service that is available free of charge to employees, students and guests of the university. This cloud enables everyone to synchronize their own data, share data or edit text documents, spreadsheets or presentations simultaneously.

    All students have access to 10 GB of storage capacity free of charge.

  • Committee election

    Once a year, all students can vote in the university elections for their student representatives, who represent them in the student bodies. The FSRe are elected during these elections. As soon as the next university elections are coming up, you will be informed by the university and we will introduce you to the candidates.

  • Curriculum

    Based on your examination regulations, there is a sample study plan (study schedule) for your studies. You can use this as a guideline when building your schedule.

    Sample study planpdf,71kb·de core subject Political Science (120 LP)

    Sample study planpdf,203kb·de supplementary subject Political Science (60 LP)

    Sample study plansExternal link for social studies teaching profession Gymnasium & Regelschule

    Sample study planpdf,19kb·de MA Political Science (120 LP)

    Sample study planpdf,425kb·de MA Political Science (new study regulations, from WS 22/23) (120 LP)

    Sample study planpdf,52kb·de Master Political Studies and Governance (60 LP)

  • Data center

    The computer centerde offers a wide range of services and helps with technical problems. You can download software licenses, use the FSU Cloud and install WLAN for your mobile devices.

  • De-registration

    If you want to deregister from the university, you can apply for de-registration.

  • Eduroam

    When you enroll at Friedrich Schiller University, you automatically receive access to the university WLAN "eduroam".

    To do this, you will need to self-registerExternal link on your digital devices after activating your university account.

    You can find all further information hereExternal link.

  • E-Mail address

    All students have a university e-mail addressExternal link, which is normally Check your mailbox regularly or forward the mails to your default email address, because the university (so do lecturers) communicate exclusively through it.

  • ERASMUS+ program

    The ERASMUS+ programExternal link gives students the opportunity to study and/or complete an internship in another country, thereby expanding their professional, social and cultural competencies. In doing so, they get to know, the academic system of another university abroad and benefit from the different teaching and learning methods. After completing their first year of study up to and including their doctorate, students can receive funding for a study period of between three and twelve months at a host university abroad.

    If you have questions about a possible ERASMUS+ stay, you can contact the Erasmus coordinator of the institute.

    Steve Biedermann, M.A.External link
    Tel. +49 3641 945413

  • Examination period

    The period at the end of a semester in which the final examinations take place is referred to as the examination period. While in seminars often homework or essays are written, the form of examination in most lectures is a written exam with either open or multiple choice questions.

  • Examination regulations

    Each degree program has examination regulations that govern exactly how the program is structured and what is required for admission and passing.

    Examination regulationspdf,406kb·de of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences for the subject Political Science as a core and supplementary subject in programs leading to the degree Bachelor of Arts.

    Examination regulationspdf,377kb·de of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences for programs leading to the degree of Master of Arts.

  • Extracurricular activities

    At the university you can volunteer for the student body and the FSU in your free time. Possible institutions are:

    Das AkrützelExternal link - the University Journal

    Das CampusradioExternal link

    University groups such as the university group of the Young European FederalistsExternal link,the Jena university group of the German Society for the United NationsExternal link (DGVN university group) or the university group for foreign and security policy JenaExternal link.

  • Faculty

    All students of a study program form its student body. The student council is an elected student body that represents the members of its student body and is subordinate to the StuRa.

  • Friedolin

    FriedolinExternal link is the administration platform for your studies. There you will find the course catalog, your personal timetable, your study certificates and the grade list. You can also use Friedolin to take your courses and register for and deregister from exams.

  • Grades

    At the university, grades are given in the spectrum grade 1 (very good), 2 (good), 3 (satisfactory), 4 (sufficient) and 5 (failed). Intermediate grades are .3 and .7. students who score lower than 4.0 on an exam will fail. Grades can be viewed in the grade report on Friedolin. At FSU, all students have two attempts at each exam. Third attempts must be registered with ASPA with good cause shown.

  • Institute

    All students of the Department of Political Science and Social Studies are affiliated with the Institute of Political Science.

    Our institute is divided into different working areas:

    Department International RelationsExternal link
    Chair holder: Rafael Biermann, Univ.-Prof. Dr.External link

    Department Political System of Germany:External link
    Chair holder: Marion Reiser, Univ.-Prof. Dr.External link

    ProfessorshipDidactics of Politics:External link
    Professor: Michael May, Univ.-Prof. Dr.External link

    Professorship International OrganizationsExternal link:
    Professor: Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Juniorprof. Dr.External link

    Professorship Environmental Politics:External link
    Professor: Sina Leipold, Univ.-Prof. Dr.External link

    Working area European StudiesExternal link:
    Head of subdivision: Olaf Leiße, apl. Prof. Dr.External link

    Working area Chair of Political Theory and the History of Political ThoughtExternal link:
    Head of subdivision: Michael Dreyer, apl. Prof. Dr.External link

    Working areaComparative GovernmentExternal link:
    Head of subdivision: Torsten Oppelland, apl. Prof. Dr.External link

    The studyadvisor for BA and MA of the institute is: Sven Leunig, Dr.External link

  • Internship

    The study regulations for the subject Political Science as a core subject with the degree Bachelor of Arts prescribe a professionally oriented internship (POL 400). The duration for B.A. students is 300 hours in total. Of this, 280 h are spent on attendance at the internship site and 20 h on self-study (preparation and follow-up). With an agreed weekly working time of 40 h, this means a total duration of at least seven weeks. The number of hours worked must be clearly stated in the certificate or work report to be issued by the internship site. The required number of hours can be divided among several internships.

    The study regulations for the political science program leading to the Master of Arts degree require a professionally oriented internship (POL 800). The internship duration for M.A. students is 300 h in total. The same regulations apply for this as for the Bachelor's program (see above).

    The institute's internship advisor is Philipp Tönjes.External link

    More information about the internship and the internship market can be found hereExternal link.

  • Language Center

    An der FSU könnt ihr parallel zu eurem Studium diverse Sprachen auf unterschiedlichen Leistungsniveaus erlernen. Das Sprachenzentrumde bietet ein Kursangebot für alle Studierenden der Universität Jena, unabhängig von Fakultät und Studienrichtung.

    At FSU, you can learn various languages at different levels parallel to your studies. The Languge Center offers courses for all students of the University of Jena, regardless of faculty and field of study

  • Leave of absence

    If you go abroad, do an internship or have personal reasons, you can apply for a leave of absence. This is recommended for BAföG recipients, for example, as the number of semesters does not continue.

    You can find the application for leave of absence herepdf,466kb·de.

  • Login

    For enrollment you will receive access data that are valid for all websites of the university (e-mail program, Friedolin, Moodle, VPN client, etc.). You can personalize the password.

  • Lockers

    Only clear (glass-free) water bottles and clear bags are allowed in the library. You can lock your backpacks in lockers. On campus you need a big lock to lock it, in the ThULB you need a 2€ piece of paper.

  • Mailing list

    If you would like to receive the latest information about the study of political science and social studies, job offers or events of the institute by mail, you can sign up for the voluntary mailing list.External link

  • Mensa

    Jena has a diverse range of cafeterias. The dining halls are managed and organized by the Studierendenwerk Thüringen. Here you can eat at lunchtime, but in some cafeterias you can also have dinner and try out many different meals, from vegan to vegetarian or meat-heavy. The food is paid for with the Thoska. All information about the locations, menus, opening hours and allergens can be found hereExternal link.

  • Module Catalog

    The module catalog lists all the courses that belong to your degree program. There you can read exactly what has to be done for a module, which forms of examination are offered, who is the contact person for the module and how many ECTS there are.

    Module Catalog Bachelor of Arts Political Science (Core Subject)pdf,2mb·de

    Module Catalog Bachelor of Arts Political Science (Complementary Subject)pdf,1mb·de

    Module Catalog Master of Arts Political Sciencepdf,4mb·de

    Module Catalog Master of Arts Political Science (new study regulations, from WS 22/23)pdf,554kb·de

    Module Catalog Master of Arts International Organisations and Crisis Management (IOCM)pdf,238kb·de

    Module Catalog Master Political Studies and Governancepdf,169kb·de

  • Microsoft Office 365 Plus

    The University of Jena provides you with free access to Microsoft Office 365 PlusExternal link. You can download the software from the student URZ portalExternal link.

  • Moodle

    MoodleExternal link is a sharing platform where lecturers can upload important documents for seminars and lectures. When you log in with your login data, you automatically have access to all course rooms for which you are enrolled.

  • Plagiarism

    Plagiarism refers to the use or theft of another's intellectual property without acknowledging the source. Plagiarism is severely punished and can, in the worst case, lead to exmatriculation.

    To ensure good scientific practice, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena has adopted principles and rules of procedure.External link

  • Printing

    With your Thoska you can use the multi-function printersde of the university, which you can find on campus. You can scan, copy and print (e.g. from a USB stick). You pay about six cents per page.

  • Re-register

    Those who still wish to be enrolled in the next semester must re-register in the given time frame. For this purpose, the semester fee that is due must be transferred to the university. An email will be sent to the university email addresses in time. We, the FSR, will also inform you in time via our channels.

  • Scientific working

    Anyone who provides a written or oral performance must adhere to certain standards. These include correct citation, citation of all sources used, a bibliography, and a statement of independence. Unclean scientific work can lead to a grade deduction or failure. You can get all information about proper scientific work from your lecturer or in the institute's guidelinesExternal link.

  • Service Desk

    Some service facilities of the University of Jena can be reached via the central service desk portalExternal link of the University of Jena. Students, employees and external persons can directly submit their request via the portal in order to clarify questions or various concerns or to receive assistance with certain topics.

    This ticket system enables a simple, fast and modern communication between the university administration and the person seeking advice.

    You log in with your login data and select the faculty and department to which your question is addressed. In a user-friendly interface you can then ask your question in as much detail as possible and thus open a ticket, to which university staff will reply.

  • Standard study period

    The standard period of study indicates how long the course of study is scheduled to last. Exceeding the standard period of study is possible, but may have to be applied for. The standard period of study has been adjusted by Corona.

    If you are active in a committee of the university, you can usually have an extra semester credited to the standard period of study.

  • Study Abroad

    It is recommended to spend time abroad during your studies. The FSU has many partner universities abroad that are suitable for this purpose. You can organize this through the European ERASMUS program as well as privately or in exchange with the International Office of the university. Teacher training students are also recommended to spend time abroad during their internship semester. All information about studying abroad can be found here.

  • Study regulations

    The study regulations specify the framework conditions and regulations for proper study for each subject. Based on the study regulations, students can plan their studies and create schedules for each semester.

    Study regulationspdf,363kb·de of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences for the subject Political Science as a core and supplementary subject in study programs leading to the degree Bachelor of Arts.

    Study regulationspdf,296kb·de of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena for the study program Political Science with the degree Master of Arts.

    Study regulationspdf,314kb·de of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences for the study program International Organizations and Crisis Management with the degree Master of Arts.

  • Studierendenwerk Thüringen

    The Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link (stw) is responsible for the social, economic and cultural support of many students in Thuringia. They run dormitories and canteens, offer help with studying with children and are the point of contact for questions about BAföG.

  • StuRa

    The Student CouncilExternal link is the highest student body at the University of Jena and represents the interests of the entire student body. The StuRa is always elected for one academic year through the university elections. The FSRe are subordinate to it.

  • Term Paper

    One form of examination performance are term papers. These are written, academic elaborations of a topic. In consultation with the seminar instructor, you will draft a scientifically relevant research question and answer it in about 10-15 pages. Depending on the subject, this may include an empirical survey. On the websiteExternal link of the institute you will find all important checklists and information for writing scientific papers. For each paper, follow the guidelines for writing papers in political science.

  • Thoska

    The Thoska is your student and library ID, ticket for local transport throughout Thuringia and means of payment in the refectories. To activate it, you must validate it at the beginning of each semester at the designated machines and book money onto it as needed (for example, on campus or in the dining halls).

  • University Sports

    With the UNISPORT Card you can participate in the diverse range of university sports. This offer is aimed at beginners and advanced students. You will also receive access to the university gym.

  • University Library (ThULB)

    The Thuringian University and State LibraryExternal link is open to all students for borrowing books and as a workspace. Individual or group carrels can be booked for work via the website. The workstations can be used without booking. You can also access online libraries through the ThULB and use interlibrary loan to borrow books that are not available on site. All transactions made in the ThULB are done with the barcode (and 12-digit number) on the back of your Thoska.

    On the ThULB website you log in to your user accountExternal link with the 12-digit number and your date of birth as password. In this area you can view and renew all your loans andd eat Friists.

    The sub-library for the behavioral sciences (law, economics and social sciences) is located on the Ernst-Abbe-Campus in Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 on the top floor.

    The ThULB main building is located at Bibliotheksplatz 2 in Jena, next to the Botanical Garden.

  • VPN-Client

    If you want to access the university network from home or on the road, e.g. to use online libraries, you have to log in to the VPN clientExternal link with the access data. The VPN client must be installed on the mobile device beforehand.

  • Zoom

    In the case of online teaching, most teachers switch to the ZoomExternal link video software program. You can download the software free of charge from the computer center. You can also use it to plan your own events. You can log in using your university login data.

How to FSU - The University Encyclopedia (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.