KIT 'N' CARLYLE by Larry Wright CH. I'M 1 LATE! WHY MY ALARM Go OFF DIM DE NE A Merchandise Merchandise 50. Appliances DAMAGED Ovens. BELOW DEALER WENDEL'S TV APPLIANCES 2828 34th Electric Ranges, Gas Ranges, Washers, Dryers, tors, Freezers, Trash tors, Dishwashers, Microwave WE Buy sell stoves refriger. ators.
Buckner Furniture, 1515 19th. RECONDITIONED and, teed Washers. dryers, refriger. ators. Service on all brands.
ance Central Service 747-3179. REFRIGERATOR Repair, refriocraled air conditioners service and repair. Honest, wrillen guarantee. Call anylime, Ed. 795-9677.
USED Refrigerators, Ranges Reconditioned, Guaranteed. The Economy House, 1617 19th Sircet, WHIRLPOOL Washer Frigidaire Oryer. Copperlone. Both in excellent condition. Dryer needs heating.
unit. Call 763-0292 Alter 5pm all day weekends. FOR Sale: Deep Freeze, chest type. Amana. 15 cu.
call 799- 1972. FOR Sale. Coleman Ton Refrigcrated Air Conditioner, Used About 3 Months. 806-229-8771. FREEZER, Gold, 21 cu.
ft. upright. $250. 797-0888. SUNSHINE Appliance Repair: $10 service calls.
All brands wash. ers, dryers, dishwashers, ranges Guaranteed. 792-9045. GE REFRIGERATOR 17.2 cu. bic leet, 6 months old.
$350. 799. 6074. REFRIGERATOR $150, Washer Dryer, excellent condition $300. 5313 44th.
795-3271. BRAND Now Trash Compactor. Won in contest, never used, $275, ICE Box For Sale. $140. Call 799.
7277. Good Shape. SEARS Coldspot 12CF, $100, RCA Color TV, $100, 793-1821. 51. TVGUARANTEED Used color T.V.'S: $95 Complele: Service Zenith, RCA.
Ray's T.V. 2825 34th. LOUD Speakers, Audio Lab 1000, $300. Sieve, 793-5531. 792-6113.
DAY NIGHT RENTALS RENT BY PHONE Colot T.V.'s Washers Dryers AAA T.V. APPLIANCE RENTALS 763-4043 23rd University niture, Wholesale Retail. 52. Musical Instru. GIBSON Explorer 83 with case and 77 Las Paul.
797-0007. 795-5236. Chad. LIKE Now! Consolelle Plano Bench. Fruitwood.
French Provential. $1.000. 795-7339. 6537. PIANO For Sale.
Uprighl, Needs Tuning. After 4pm, SUN Concert Bass Drain. $225, 799- 3559. Call after 5:30. LATE '70's Fender Stratocaster Black and white with a blonde maple neck.
Very good condition. $500. Call 792-4286 after 6PM. PIANO For Sale. Guldransen Upright, $500.
795-8404. USED Everett Spinel $798, Used Kimbell Artist console $1995. Used Baldwin Console $1795. Used Jesse French $498. Used Wurlitzer Spiner $1595.
Gibson Guitars off. band instruments up to off. All organs. closeout prices. Uprights starting al $350.
All new Planos 11.95% APR financing 36 months mum, down. Lubbock Music Ctr. 1722 Broadway 762-0567 53. Antiques WE Repair Antique, Modern Clocks. We buy old clocks.
Marvin Hunt Old Time Clock Shop, 2610 Salem. 797-9203. Gold Pocket Watches, Chains, Sliver, Jewelry, Clocks, Barometers, 'Figurines, Old Bibles, Flow Blue, Oji Paintings, Large Selcction Fur. Sell One Item or Truck Loads Hastings Antiques 117 Main 892-2779 Idalou, TX ANTIQUE Furniture restoration. repair, rebuild, refinish.
Call Ro9ers for estimates. 266-5509, NEW Arrivals! Kitchen hall free, oak table, Ircadlo chines, kilchen wares, primativos. Come Wilma's Antiques, Farm Road 1585 and Tahoka HighWAY. FOR Sale: Beautiful antique walnul dining room table, 4 chairs and sideboard. $1000.
792-5849. ONCE A YEAR RED TAG SALE Now In Progress Discounts 3 Floors 20 000 OLD WORLD ANTIQUES 113 W. 6th-Plainview Hours: Mon. Thru Sat. 9-5 30 54.
Pets AKC Poodle Puppies. Also Stud Service, 4513. 44th. 792-4378. BEAUTIFUL AKC Iri-colored Baa.
ale puppies! Great for Mother's Day! 606-385-5548. STUD Service. AKC Registered Black co*cker Spaniol. Call 6141. MUST Sell.
Poodlo, 7 Months Old. Housebroken. Loves Kids. $85. Will Go Lower.
Come By 1106 50rd, Apt. A. Aller 4pm. RAT $85. 806-462-7491.
Marale Archer. HCRS, Box 100, mosa, TX. AKC TEACUP And liny Toy pocdlo pupples. Also stud sarvice. 8557, 762-2345.
AKC Schnauzer Puppies, Ona Adult Doo, Shots. 794-3029, BABY Farrals. Unusual Pets. Easy To Koop, Gantle, 795- 3780, MALE Puppy To Loving Owner. WIll Ba Dig Dox.
795-85m, LUBBOCK Merchandise 55. Machinery Tools FOR Sale: two Grayco Monarch airless spray rigs with agilalor, gun and hose. 792-5746. 57. Office Mach.
SUP. HONEYWELL DPS6 Computer 2 cach uma Printers 3 cach VIP 7200 CRT Consoles. 2 cach ASYNC RS-232-C Ports. Call 832-4525. local.
Ask for BAl. PITNEY Bowes 5600 Mailing chine. Purchaso 9-82. Call 832-4525, local. Ask for Bill.
USED Office Furniture and chines. Good prices. Free city wide delivery. Hester's Office Center, 1420 Texas, 162-5291. CANON NP300F Copler Sland.
Purchase now 9-82. Call 832-4525, local, Ask for Bill. SUMMER SPECIALI AIl 1ype. writers, cleaning and repairs, discount, Bargains on rent to buy! Al's Typeweller Service, 797-5551. WANTED: Used IBM Seleciric 11 or 111 typewriter in good condition.
765-0174, 794-6932. DELUXE Office Furniture. Alex Stuart Design. Executive Desk. Chairs, Credenzas.
'Secrelarial Desk- and left hand returns. Like new. Call 795-8995 for more formation. MINOLTA 310 Plain paper copy machine. Excellont condition.
Two years old. Call 792-4007. EXECUTIVE Dusk and Credenza. office dosk and chairs; olher Itoms. 797-4063.
FOR Sale: 1648 NEC Phone tem. 9 phones, 12 lines. Cannon AP 500 Memory typewriter, Royal 122 letter quality copier, legal and 1er. Call Delores 797-9081. 58.
Moving Storage NEW. South Lubbock Sell storage units. 10x10 and 10x30. 891h and hoka Highway. Call METAL Building Special Colored Steel Bulldings, 20x25x10 $2995.
30 x50x12 $5395. 50x75x15 $11.095. One Walk Door and One Door Included. Concrele and erection prices are available. Call 915-337-7202.
A DAY NIGHT MOVING SERVICE First class furniture, appliance, plano and office moving. 741-7029 832-4061 COWLING'S Moving. Free mates for office and household moving. Call 744-7413 741-1920. Rentals 61.
Bedrooms CLEAN Carpeled. Roirlocrated Air, Maid Service. $40 Weekly, Also Apartments. 312 Easl 34th. TRAVEL HOST INN.
Weekly rates $65.00. Room phone, nuw color cable TV, commercial rates. $17.99. 2311 19th. Mexican rant.
747-1707. ROOMMATE Needed: Share two bedroom house. Prefer grad stu. dent. $150 plus $100 deposit.
Dogs O.K. 744-5140. WEEKLY Ralos $80 for 2. Free: Local calls, color TV, HBO. Also Commercial Rates, $21 for 1 or 2, Townhouse Inn, 4401 Avenue Q.
747-1677. MICE Bedroom in good home. Kitchen, washing privileges, For settled lady. 795-8514, MOTHER of two desires 10 share home with a spirit tilled Christian. Call Jeanette al 747-3935, Monday Friday after LARGE, Carpeted, refrigerated alr, private bath.
Kitchen Ina privileges. Female. References reauired. 795-3028, 792-8261. PRIVATE Room With Bath.
ens Furnished. Kitchen Privelege. Call, 793-0839 After 3PM. Roommates Needed! Males Females to share houses and apartments. Rent varies.
ROOMMATE Referral Service 797:1823 Fee 62. Unfurnished Houses 2120 70th 3 BEDROOM, 2 carpot, parade, 4 Available 5-1-84. No pets. 745-4011. LARGE Luxury Duplex Soulh.
west Lubbock. 2 or 3 bedrooms. 1400 5Q. 41., 1700 sq. 11.
Fireplace, refrigerated air, largo bedrooms, walk-in closels; utility, room, fry. garage openers, yard main-' tained, water pald. $495, $595. 4703, 794-3610. LET Us help you.
your next apartment, duplex, condo or house at no cost 1 of you. Professional Property Management Services, 797-7672. LUXURY Townhouse in Meadows. Available immediately. THREE Bedroom, 2 Balh, Largo Living Room, Dining Room.
Stove, No Refrigerator. Vo. ry Clean, $550 Monthly. No Pols: 4311 481h. Call 797-3551, NEARLY new two bedroom duplex: Fireplace, $495.
Avalloblo now! Deposit required. 3-2-1 Near The Mall. Large Fenced Backyard. Refrigerated Alr. tral Heat, Avallable May 15th.
Rent $475. Deposit $250. 794-2965. NEW Duplex: Two Isolated Bed. rooms Baths, Fireplace, rape, Continuous Clean Ovens.
Wafor Pald. 0406 Hopc. $430, West or Frankford And 795-4915, 7287 Alter 6PM. BRICK 3 bedroom, 2 batti. Double garago.
Electric openers. Vinity. Bullt-ins. $495 monihly. 6413 37th.
Gripes Property Management, 797. 7047. 2 BEDROOM Highland Duplex with paranc, $225. 792-2749. CUTE Clean 3-2-2 in the Mead.
ows. Available May 101h. Call Mary. 797-1925. SUPER nice 2 bedroom Duplex 3316 81st.
$400. Stinson's Property Management. 792-3733. 5518 3rd WESTWIND 3-2-2. Fireplace, refrigerated air, Isolated mastor.
$545. -797-4703, 794- 3610. NEW Luxury Oyplex, large two bedroom, 2 bath, 2 patlos, west Lubbock. Mobile 1-924-6713 or 792-3951. LUXURIOUS 2 Bedroom 2 bath Townhouse Rainirco Addition.
$400. Stinson's Property Managemant. 792-3733. COMMANDER'S Palace. Nico Mo bile Home.
Adults, No Pols, 3-1 Carpoted, Drapod, Rango, Dishwasher, Connoctions, Roirig. crated Air, Built- ins, Deposit Required, $272.50 With Water Paid, Before 9pm, 796-0862. VERY Nico 3 bedroom duplex, fireplace, garage, builtins, fenced. 5704 Harvard. 747-9477 799-8065, 15 DAYS FREE RENT Meadows, Luxury duplox, 5218-B 96th $1.
3-2-2, FP, collina lan. WD connections paragu door opener, $575.00 per month, $275 deposit. 793-2200 TWO bedroom duplex with dryer connuctions. off-street Ino. Fenced yard.
utilities. Children welcome. Sorry, no Call CLEAN 2 bedroom housa, close to Toch, Juno 1. 1916 17th 51. 795-3134.
55. Machinery Tools 62. Unfurnished Houses QUADRAPLEX, 2 bedroom, balh, fireplace, naw carpel, and paint. Fenced yard. Professional Property Management.
797-7672. LARGE Duplex 3-2-1, fireplaco, fenced yard, closo to Reese and T.I, Professional Property Managemon1. 797-7672. CLEAN 3-2-1, central heat air, appliances. 4903 7th.
$465 or less. 793-7171. LUXURY Duplex 2 Bedroom, fenced yard. like new. $370 ly.
ERA Stinson's, Realtors, 792-3733. RAINTREE Addition 8209 ville Drive. 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. 2 living areas.
Supernico, Stinson's Property Management, 792-3130. 5709 70th Place. Garage door FOR Lease Very largo er, Ins. $750 monibly. Call 797.
0395. 4919 10th. 3 bedroom house. Fenced. Garage.
$450. 792-2749. LEASE brick house on corner lol. Fenced yard, utility room. $425 per month.
4601 Lehigh West of North Quaker, Call Park Plaza Proporty Management. 794-5680. NICE. Large One Bedroom Near Tech. 2321-A 15th.
$185 Plus BIlls. 793-6189. DUPLEX, 6601 Elkhart. $450. 3 bedroom 2 balh, 2 car garage, $200 deposit.
797-9422. or 799.4510. Ted Raicliffe. 2 3 bedroom houses. 793-1466.
El. Ilson- Scott, Reallors. 793-2575. 4007 A 361h. 2 bedroom duplex with garage.
$225. 792-2749. SOUTHWEST LUBBOCK. 3 bed. room.
2 bath, fireplace, celling fan. Isolated master, double garage, excellent condition, 9608 Geimont. $580 monthly, Daron Tucker, Rick Canun Realtors. 793-0677 NICE Luxury 2 bedroom duplex. Fireplace.
1 bath. $425. Deposit, $200. 7508 A Avenue W. 745-5502.
3-2-2. AVAILADLE Nowl 1wind. Clean, fireplace, sunken llv. Ingroom, best schools. $500 ly, $300 deposit.
794-3724, evenings and weekends. Fenced. $315 bills depos11. 2503 Avenue W. Available June 1st.
Call Chuck at Kershner pany, REALTORS. 796-1923 or 794. 6370. 2 BEDROOM Near Tech, central heat and air, large rooms. 2216 151h.
$300, Landmark Propo-19 Management. 793-8759. 3-2-2. FIREPLACE, fenced In, contral alr, heal pump. $450 month.
Call 806-885-4681. 3 BEDROOM, one car garage, un. furnished, call allor 5pm. CHARMING 3 bedroom, new car. pot, 'paint, refrigerator, range oven.
dishwasher, 6505 Ave T. $375. Landmark Properly Management 795-8759. 5626 AMHERST 3-2-2. reirigerated pir, fireplace, automatic parape doors, $495.
745-2081. BRAND New duplex. Beautiful Interlor, two bedroorn, balh. connections. Much more.
$450. 793-8923. CUTE And clean, 2-2-1. WIll be avallable June 1. 2002 43rd.
792-0317 alter 5:30. FOUR Bedroom, two full bath, wa. ter paid, $450, $150 deposit, 1906 74th. 794-8600, 795-9910. 3-2-2.
BRICK, with fireplace, bulltIns and storm shelter. Southwest location, convenient to all areas. $550 month. $300 deposit. 799-0936 or 792-3926.
SPACIOUS 2 story. Living area, bedroom duplex. Fireplace, fresh paint. super location, large fenced in Yard. 4404 75th Drive.
$500 monthly, water paid. Jacon REALTORS. 794-3895. 3 BEDROOM, 1 balh. $325 bills deposit.
1924 41st. Call Chuck al Kershner Company, TORS. 796-1923. 794-6370. 3 BEDROOM, large clean, fenced, storage area.
Appliances. Laundry connections. $325. 763-5630. NICE 3-2-1.
Quall Valley. 4834 Grinnell. $450. Apt, only. 799-3440.
CHARMING 3-2-2. central heat. air, fireplace, bullt-Ins, $525. 5530 Fordham. Lubbock Realty and Trust.
792-6588. WEST Wind 3-2-2, central heat, air, fireplace, buff1-ins, Opener. Large Yard. $499. 5703 2nd.
Place Drive. Lubbock Really and Trust. 6588. DUPLEX 2 bedroom, 1 bath. 7202 Avenue W.
$350 water pald. 795-9537. 747-0038. BEDROOM 2 bath. fireplace, fenced yard.
Southwest Lubbock. Margarul Willians Reallors, 793- 0703. 'CUTE 2 Bedroom, range, washer, refrigerator, 2602 291h. $385. plus clociricity, Landmark Property Management.
793-8759. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2 car parade, fireplace, light and bright, 9246 Belton. $425. Landmark, Property Management, 793-0759. 3406 JUSTICE.
(Park Lorraine, west. Street, Just outside Loop) Convenlont to Reese. TI, neat and clean, $395. 792-7301 2997. THREE Bedrooms Plus Allached Efficiency.
Nico Locallon. $575, Lease Deposit. 744-6854. For Rent: Two Story. 3-2-2.
place and curtains. 8312 Hartford. 763-3207. 1928 691h. 4 bedroorn.
2 bath houso. Garage, Fenced, $550, 792-2749. FOUR Bedroom. 508 N. Elkhart.
:550 monthly. Call Ron, 797-4382. Century 21 Blu State, FANTASTIC Now Duplexes for rent! 4603 54th, $495. 4615 541h, $575. Excellent location.
Call 792-1945. CLEAN 3-2-2. All amenities. Earth toners. 5015 70th.
plus deposit. 799-5563. NEW 2 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, froplace, encroy efficient. 1500, 4609 541h. 793-3317.
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Unfurnished traitor. Space 114. Applesale er Park. $250 monthly. 799-0875.
795-7131, ext. 203, TWO Bedroom Duplex. Hoar Tech LARGE $295 plus deposit, 745. 4141. 2-2-2.
BRAND new. Electric rape door, Solf-claaning oven, cullIno fan. 6404-A Hope Ave. 011 661h and Frankfort. $495, 795-9393.
745- 9052.794-3539. 3 BEDROOM, 1 balh, central air and heat, new carpel ond naw paint, many extras. Call 795-7954. TWO Bedroom, firoplace: 2407 Lubbock Roally and Trust. 792-6588.
STUDENTS: Large' four bedroom brick home, Near Tech. partially furnished, dishwasher. 2313 14th. lease. 794.4345.
SOUTH of Tech; Nice 3-1 plus large den. Carpoted, Appliances. $380 plus bills. 793-2634. SPACIOUS three bodroom, trick house downlown.
Fireplace, sun porch, fenced yard, largo living area, kitchen, bathrooms and ols and basem*nt. Frostless erator, gas stove, evaporative air, central heal. $450 per month, $250 deposit, Morton: 804-204-5582 from 9-5. 5532 3rd, Brick 3-2-2. Central alr and heat, Firoplace, plus $500 monthly.
Osborna TORS 744-1451, 794-4902. to 5525-A 34th. 2 bodroom corpuled duplex, $275, plus bills. 741-0461, 55. Machinery Tools FOR SALE Cherry Picker Crane Bucyrus Wheel Loader Allis 4458.
Track Dozer International Loader Backhoe Allis Chalmers Allis Chalmers Roush Ter, 705C 0,250.00 Forklift Allie Chalmers Roush Ter. 706C 1,250.00 Sisior Lift -Marklit Hyster Towing Winch W58 Ironworker, Mubea KOL-71-5 Service Bed Truck, 3 Ton Chevrolet $12,250.00 BROWN-MCKEE, INC. General Contractors Lubbock, Texas Call (006) (000) 692-4244 Texas Toll Free) Nights: Seay (006) 029-2671 Oles (006) 792-6096 May 23, 1984 -5 Merchandise 42. Farm Equipment '74 PA Combine: Clean, bal and pickup reels. Varlable speed, 750.
Make offer or trade for tor. After 7PM. 806-847-2275. EIGHT Row John Deere '71 Ilex planters, Fiberglass boxes. Good condition.
806-924-7203. TWO Row farm implements. Two bottom plow, spring tooth harrow. tandem disc. blade, scoop, shredder.
792-4330. SMALL Ford Tractor 2000 Delsel. SPECIAL Sale. JO 71 per JD 6100 6 row planter $3750. Dermiti Equip.
ment Inc. Seymour Tx. 817-888- 3104. FOR Sale or trade 12,000 gallon uprioht fuel storage tanks. Never been used.
d. Call 915-758-3152. TRADE $5500 equity, $563 payment in house for tractor, caulpment and or horses, saddles. Call Chuck al Kershner Company, Inc. TORS.
796-1923 or 794-6370. FOR Sale; One John Deere 8 row 71 flex One Inlernational 8 row air planter. One John Deere 8 row rolory hoe. 637-6073 cvenings. BY Owner Farm Equipment: Cultivator, Slaik Cutter, num Pipe and olher farm equip.
ment. 794-3580. 1976 MACK Truck. Dox. 237 Diesel.
5-speed trans. Twin screw. Good Michelin Tires. 000. '81 16 el Gicaner, 30' header, Demco harvest king trailer with air brakes.
747-7145. WANTED TO BUY Late model burnt, abused or worn oul tractors or combines. 763-5614. WANTED To buy used siderolls, pivots: 3 and Inch sprinkler pipe and other used irrigation equip-. mcnl.
Will pay cash; 793-4452, SAVE on used tractor and combine Dozernan hinery Tractor Salvage Inc. The largest supply in the soulhwest. We ship anywhere! 606-763-5614. FOR Sale: Large used oil lanks cheap storage delivered. Lynn Cook office 998-4115, home 998-4680 Tahoka Texas.
4640. JOHN Deere, fully caulpped, 527,000. IHC 3788. low hours, 000. 1066 1HC, $6500.
TWO. Number 70 John Deere Baskels'-With Brackets For 4020. collent Condition. 1-817-881-1870. 1974,4430 John Deere wilh 600 on complelely new motor.
Duals. Must sell. 806-455-1473. PRE-HARVEST Combine Specials 7700 JD, 1975 Gleaner, 1972 715 IH, Ihrough 1975 915's. Lots to choose from.
1460's and 1480's conditioned. Ready for Harvest! North Plains International, 806-659. 3743, Spearman, Texas. 4020 JD, 1965 DIESEL. Good cab.
18-4534 tires. Two outlets. Runs good. No leaks. 606-296-9651 atier 7PM.
1983, 1H 1480 COMBINE 30 lool header, Ilke new, low hours. Grain Monitor. Hereford, Texas 806- 289-5224. 43: Feed, Seed, Grain Certified TAMCOT CAMD-E Acid delinted cottonseed Fertilizer treated Grown 1983, Excellent perm. 817-697-6731.
CUSTOM Hay Baling, square bales," or big round bales. Don' Teague 063-2557 (local). STRIPPER 31 Colton Seed. 806-872- 3391: CUSTOM Hay Baling. Round And Square Bales.
Donny Tucker, 79.1- 2608 GRASS, Round bates for sale. 5139, Rocky Ridge Hay Services. COTTON Seed for sale. Call 806- 229.4806 (Sundown). 111 Cotton Seed.
Phone 806-872-5274, IRRIGATED Wheal Hay. $3.50 A Bale. 744-5694, 762-1559, 792-5632. ROUND Bales of Wheat Hay. 560..
675-2220. FRESH Cul Wheal Hay in round bales. (Ralls). OAT' Hay For Sale. $4.00 A Bale, Over 100 Bales.
746-6205, 746-6107. 746-5169 AIl Aller 44. Livestock. 23 STABLES on 8 acres for lease. 745-7667.
STANDING. Go Skip Boy. Greal Grandson To Go Man Go. Fee $200. 747-1475, 763-5500, HORSE Stables for rent.
981h, lust west of University. Horses and or training avallable. Call Chuck, 796- 1923 or. 794-6370. HORSE AUCTION REGULAR SALE, TUESDAY 7PM HWY 87 SO.
LUBBOCK BIG SPRING HORSE SALE 2nd 41h 12 Noon AMARILLO HORSE AUCTION June 2, 1PM HORSES, SADDLES, TRAILERS, ETC. JACK AUFILL AUCTION CO. Jack Aufill, Auctioneer TX364 745-1435. 794-3820 Res. Call Anytime We Buy Sell Dally STALL and run, ic, walerors, pipe fences, $40.
3419. 797-4550. buy horses. Good or no good! Also saddles and tacks. 747.4017.
FOR Sale: Chianina Cattle. Grow your own Club or Cow herd. Terms 1o. suit, down. Bulls, Cows, Helfers, and Club Calves.
Horace D. Gilmore, 806-894-3468, Levelland 11. REGISTERED Red Brangus BUlls. 12-14 months Service your heifer. Pat Garrett, 795-0611.
Night, 792-8714. REGISTERED 6 year old buckskin Would make a nice roping or playday horse. 745-471B, TWO Quarier horses for sale. "Mr. Sugar Rastus." Gray Stallion.
The Sire is "Silver Roan Bar." the Dam Is "Dial's Sugarfool" Foaled April 29in, 1978. "Dial Sugar Too" Sorrel Stallion. Sirc is "Sugar Roan Bar," Dam is "Silver Dial A. Sklp," Fooled March 7, 1981. 806- 495-3617.
TRADE $5,500 equity. $563 payment in house for horses, saddlus, tractor cquipment. Call Chuck at Kershner 8 Company, REALTORS. 796-1923 or 6370. STANDING: Docs General By Doc Confirmation, Disposition, Pediorce.
Excellent Coll Crop, Cutling, Halter, Picasure Producer. 745-9619, 797-4550. '78 BAR -A Iwo horse traller. luxe, pulls great. 792-9474.
CALL 745-4718 and pet your horses trained right. Barrel horse training a specially. GREAT WESTERN MEAT CO. PONIES Purchase Monday thru Friday Top Prices Paid Highway 114, 5 miles Southeast of Morton Call 806-525-4221 ATTENTION "LIVE STOCK OWNERS Shavings by the bag or Truck load. De.
New Mexico or Texas We will come 'bed your stalls for You. One Bag bods a $12x12 Stall. Excellent Quality Call 745-2272 After 5 p.m. 795-4595. Merchandise 44.
Livestock LIMOSINE Heifers. Red, big, long and good, SOLID Black Morgan-type Gelding. Spirited, handles well. $750. 794-5342.
REGISTERED quarier. horse. $450. Saddlo and bridle. $200.
799-7701. FOR Sale or trade. AQHA Sorrel stud, Iwo years old. 16 of "Jet 894-4251. BRED Sows 10 Farrow soon.
$180. 744-0602. FOR Nico, Roping Gelding, Gentle, 12-Year Old, $2.500 Cash. Nico. Jack Straw App Fillcy, 60- Days Rowing, 1 Or 2 More App Ites, 4-Year Old Jack Straw 1no.
Ranch Ridin, Trade For Trail. cr. Tractor, 915-394-4863, Lale Evenino Or Night. Days, 915- 394-4542 45. Poultry.
POULTRY, name bird supplies, Feeders- Waterers, Incubators. Many other Items. Crest- 327 Easi 40th. Lubbock, Texas. 806-7474 2012.
HENS. White Leghorns, Barred Rock, Reds. Coronado FFA, 792: 2106. After 5PM. 792-2216: 47.
Miscellaneous NEW Upholsiery Sewing with walking. feet Complete Ready lo use $325.00. Dalho Mio. inc. 3817 Avenue A.
SINGER TOUCH SEW School machines, deluxe models 8 consoles, cabinets, zig zag, button holes, cic. All in new condition. $69.95 ca. Guaranteed. ABC Sewing Center, 3033 3411 (34th Flint) SINGER CLINIC Annual $17.50.
Complete oil. delini, adjust all tensions. All brands, $12.50. In home service. $17.95 ADC SEWING CENTER 3033 34th (34th Flint) OLD Photographs Conled And tored.
All Work Finished In Our Plant. Reeves Photography, 1719 Broadway. 806-765-7731. EVAPORATIVE, Cooler belts. motors, Below wholesale.
763-9915. TELEPHONE and accessories See Medcom, 2110 ave J. 9.5. Fri. day 9-12.
BASKETBALL Goal and poles $85. Couch $100. 5726 701h. 794- 5018. FIXTURES, Glass Cases, cash registers.
metal adiuslabic walls, gondolas, checking counters. 799- 5908. USED PIPE Pipe for fences, construction, water wells and oil wells: COX PIPE SUPPLY, INC. S. Hwy 87 FM-41, 863-2524 AIR Compressars electric molor repair.
Authorized service for Quincy, Speed Air Champion. 763.9915.. CREATE your own arcade. Whole. sale prices.
Video' Rent, rent buy. 799-5908. Van what ATTENTION $5 can get. you: a free 5 min. vacuum.
prewash, machine wash nonstreaking rinse. Running boards standard racks no problems. Automobiles Wire wheels our specially SHINE CARWASH 3704 34th Open 8-6 (Thank you for Thinking of us.) J.R. BEER Collector's Item! Won'1 last long Ruasonably Priced Hurry! 747-3414. 2 NCR' Electronic cash regislers.
5400. Ideal lor small retail business. 14 department tolals with on. tional Inventory stock number entries. Good condition.
Only 2 regis. ters left. 795-9285. SWEET I Polatoc Silos. Jewels, Oklahoma Reds.
871h And South Quiet. And Air conditioning window unit, 220 wiring. $100. 763- 8801. SALE! Buildings! Many sizes.
Reduced for quick clearance. Financing and cry. Durabill Portable Buildings, below traific circle on highway. 745-2891. BUYING' Air, conditioners, mowers, furniture," refrigerators, cook stoves, bicycles, color TV's.
744-9672 762-2589. FOR Sale, 13x15x8 walk in. reach in cooler. 8x14x8 walk in, reach in freezer. Both complete with pressors and shelving.
765-5678, 7am-1pm. OLD PHOTOGRAPHS. Copied Restored. Weaks. Hemphill Wells Studios.
South Plains Mall. UTILITY Trailers, 4x8, 5x12, 6x16, and a don Irailer. 8N Ford Iractor, overhaul, paint, with 8 pieces of good 2-row equipment. Ali priced to soil. 762-2170 days, 793- 9495 nights.
GAS Dryer, Twin' Size Mattress And Box Spring And Railing, Excellent Condition. 797-5618 or 792-7100. COMMODORE 64: prinler, disc drive, moden. $575. Call John, 4129.
REFRIGERATED Window Air Conditionier. 8000 BTU. Like now, LARGE SIde by side refrinerator, exira long twin bed, dishwasher. All in good condition. 792-3096.
FLOWERSMITH'5 May Rese cial $22.49 Delivered. 792-6735 Security Park. Visa Mastercard by phone. CARBURETOR REBUILDS Starl at lust $39.95 plus parts at Certitied Service. 2216 4th, 747-5521 or 4640 34th, 799-6588.
NEED USED TIRES? We have 100'5 of good used car and truck liras. Most all sizes. Priced right! We mount and balance. Big Tires. Take.
1585 exit off Tahoka Highway. 763-5450. VENDING, Machines, Brand Now. Onc Snack, Non-Electric Machine. Throc Talking, Prize Dispensing Machines.
Call 762-6013 Alter 9PM. WINDOW Type Evaporative Air Conditioners. 4000-CFM. $175 Each. 804-562-5801, SAUSAGE.
Whole Hon. 2 Pound Daos, $3.75. Free Delivery 01 5 Bags Or. Moro, Call After 4pm, Weekdays. Anytime Weekends.
885-4826. TIRES for sale: Two F78-14 ond two G78-14. Good $20 cach. 797-9897. TWO speed good alr conditioner.
$85. 765-8242. TELEPHONE Answering machine with remote. Cost $269. Sell for $100.
Small office or bar ator, used 2 months. SEARS Coldspot refrigerator, $350. 762-0121. 792-4330. WASHING Machine and Dryer, Kenmore.
$250. MEN'S Rolex, 14 ct. gold and stainloss steel, Oyster porpotual, Dalelust watch with, matching band. $1500. PHone: 794-6256.
2HP Compressor, 110 or 230 voll. $300. 745-009. 8' POOL Table All Accessories. $100 or best offor.
792-7076, UTILITY Trailer, $300. 293-8603, $250. 795-9541, 795-9904. FOR Sale: One Utility Troller, 5x6. COLT .357 Mat.
$350, Others. mural Sword $995. Cash. 796-0772. USED Carpet.
Good Quallly. $1.50 A Yard. Different Colors, 792-9134. WATER Soffener By Lindsay. car Old.
$700. 794-9231. CYCLONE Fencing, $15 per row. Doors, more $3, coch. 2418 471h.
797-9253. CONTEMPORARY. Colling furs. Almost now, doing at a very good prico, Four. Canvas outdoor chairs.
Washable, Iohl in weight. 792-7158, work. EIGHT Horsepower. Riding Mowor, $550, Lawnboy Mowur, $200, 5420 24th, 790-1821. BRUNSWICK State top, 6'.
$350. Call 797-2012. 48. Garage Sales FOR Salo or rent. Icomakers, tor rosiuarant, hom*o or shop, 745-5032.
Free Junk appliances, air condilioners, lawn mowers, bicy. cles, garupa salos, useable turnt. lure, automobilos. 762-2589 9672. Merchandise 48.
Garage Sales SHARON'S. Rent With Option To Buy Furniture, Appliances, TV's, Stereo's. Sharon's Sales Rentals. 2422 Broadway 744-7172 Open 8:30 6:00 Dally 1 Saturday CAPITALIZATION GET TIONI ASK YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVISOR HOW TO USE TALIZATION IN YOUR FIED WORD ADS WE Buy Furniture Mattresses. Appliances, Garage Sale ers.
765-6474. $4 Ceiling Fan blades, garden tools, luguage, blow insulation; $20 bicycle; $25 desk; $35 dresser, lawn urs, dinettes, mattress and box springs, Hide-a-bed: $45 sterco: $55 Das edger; $85 evaporative air conditioner; $100 reirlocr. aled air conditioner. 1106 23rd, 744- 9672 762-2589. CULTURED Marble Bargain Sale.
Reducing our "Seconds" Inventory ol man- marble, vanities. tubs and fat pieces. Also 50 vallon barrels. $3.00 each. '2424 Clovis Road.
LINENS, Housewares, 2 bicycics. I exercise bike, women's clothes. shoes, boy shoes, some furniture. Thursday- Friday, 7916 Knoxville Avenue. One block north of 82nd.
WANTED: Furniture, appliances. tools, no clothes. 744-3656. lure. 3613 691h.
793-9960. CERAMIC kiln tor sale with turnt. MOVING Sale Valuables, usetul items Folding bed, carscal, crib, cradle. 3026 PATIO Sale. Vacuum Cicaner, Car Radio, Tape Player, Plants, Dish05, Clothes, Hand llems.
Miscellaneous, 4933 61h1. WEDNESDAY Only! Come carly. Fishing, camping, shotgun, rifles, air tank, sholoun shells (mos) gauges), no 6206 Kenosha Drive. GARAGE Sale. Washer dryer.
gas range, dishwasher, 300 walt Maraniz stereo, puns, reloading supplies, camping and fishing sup. plies, new and used tools. Much more. Anytime, 711 771h Street. ANNUAL' Redbud Lion's Garage Sale: Saturday.
May 26, 8AM-8PM and May 27th. Mission Plaza, 50th Joliet, Sales cash only, If you wish to donate merchandise. lax deductible, call A.C. Thomas (792-0706) or Walt McAlexander. (792-3221 or 799.
8649). WEDNESDAY, May 23 and day, May. 24 One territic garage sale. Lilton Microwave oven $200. Bedspreads.
A little bil of ev. erylhing. Dealers welcome. 2626 761h. GARAGE Sale Wednesday day.
only, 8 A fow 5409 32nd. ESTATE Sale. Everything goes. Living room suite, dining and bedroom group, kilchen kitchenware, town and garden, clothing. After 4PM, 910 East Stanford.
745-9239. GARAGE Sale. Furniture, Small Appliances. Saturday, May 261h. 5001 53rd St.
FLEA MARKET Open Every Weekend. 2323 Avenue K. 747-8281 49. Furniture. 744-8321 WE PAY MORE For Good Used Furniture and Appliances.
One Piece or House "Your Calls Appreciated THE FURNITURE SHOPPE 4307 Avenue H. GREAT PLAINS ENTERPRISES Rent with options to buy. Furniture, appliances, TV's, stereos, lots more. Free delivery We give Green Stamps 3108 Avenue 747-3652 747-5791 WE BUY SELL Good Used Furniture Appliances PLAINS FURNITURE 4311 'Ave Reconditioned seis, $99.00. Texas Mattress, 2316 Avenue 762-4261.
TWIN Reconditioned sets, $89.00, West Mattress. 2316 A. 762-4261. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FURNITURE APPLIANCES 747-6077 MOVING. Early, American Sola, Very Good Condition, 575.
Entry Hall Table And Mirror. Maple, $100. Two Table High Bar Stools, Maple. Like Now, $35 Each. Maple Cabinet Sterco, $75.
Gone With The Wind Lamp, $50. After SPM, 793- 1257. DINING room suile: lable with four chairs, lighled huich with china. $700 or best offer. 747-2855, 762-0467 after 8PM.
FOR Sale: Ice Cream Table, round, glass, with Iwo chairs. Call 799-1972. GREEN Sofa Chairs. $30 Each. King- Size.
Headbourd. $30. 799-4387. FURNITURE $135, Negotlable. Call Before 10AM Or After 9PM.
797-9556. Twin Maltress Sels WIth Frames. Comforters, Dust Ruffles. And Shams. Drawer Chest.
2. Desks, 797-6822. BRAND New Sola Navy blue cushion overstuffed. $500. 794-7373, 797-2195.
QUEENSIZE walerbed-one year old all accessories. $150. 796- 0799, FOR Sale. One kingsize bed. One dresser.
One dinelic sot. Call alter 6:00 799-4385. Best offer. SOLID Cherrywood dining table nceds refinishing. $200.
4 white birch dining chairs. $40 cach. 795- 0524 aller 6PM. COUCH, lovescal, kinn-sized bedroom suite, no mattress, reclinar, hanging lamps. high chair, miscel.
laneous. Emory, il lasts. Evenings after 5:30. 796-1044. FOR Sale, Couch, $100.
Chair, $35. Both Good Condition. Call After 6PM. 793-3437, 747-9194. "BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE" 'Furnilure.
'at Auction 'Prices Every Thursday night. Auction Starts 7:30 p.m. .1920 Ave. 747-6077, 50. Appliances GUESS WHAT'S HAPPENING? CLASSIFIED HAS AJ PENNY PINCHERS TO SAVE YOU MOM.
EYI ASK YOUR CLASSIFIED AD. VISOR TODAY! CALL 742-8821 FOR MORE INFORMATION. SUNSHINE Apollance Ropalr: $10 servico calls. All brands- wash. ors, dryers.
dishwashers, ranges Guaranteed. 792-9045. WE BUY. Ranges Retrinerators Working or Noll Don't givo Away With Trado. We Pay Coshl Tho Economy House, 1617 1910, 744- 1046.
WASHER Dryer Repair. Spo.clallzing Kenmoro, Whiripoof. Reconditioned Onos for sale. 4747. FREEZER.
15 cu, 11. Whirlpool Upright, $300, 799-3123, Rentals Rentals 62. Unfurnished Houses TECH Terrace 2-3 Bedrooms, Large master, 2 bath. 2 Fireplaces, sunroom. Marvaret Williams, REALTORS, 793-0703.
CARLISLE 12 bedroom houses, $150-200 $100 deposit. Water, trash 799-7731. SPACIOUS 2-2-1 Duplex. 4608 661h B. Fenced Backyard.
Refrigerated Alr. Gas, Heat, Fireplace, Cathe. dral Den, Fully Carpeled And Draped. Lease $395. Deposit $200.
792-9310. 5022 701h 3-2-2 ATED Air, firoplace, covered pa. (1o, $595. 745-2081. LUXURY Duplox, Shadow HIlls, Sunkon Livingroom, calling tans, automatic garage door er.
Refrigerator with Ice maker. For further Information call De. olse 797-1806. NEW Duplex. Two Bedroom, Ono Dalh, Coiling Fan, Bullt-In ances, $395 Per Month.
Bolty Strickland Realtors, 793-5738. TWO Bedrooms, Detached rage. $235 Monthly. $150 Deposit. 2400 241h.
799-3907. BEDROOM. 3 balh. Very large house. Central heat alr.
$525 bills paid. 2309 181h. Availablo June 1st. Call Chuck. nur Company, Inc.
REALTORS. 796-1923. 794-6370. Brand new 1 bedroom, 2 bath ry 1rlplex units. Fully draped, car.
peted, energy efficiont. Fireplace, washer -dryer connections. 5814 A 4th. 1 block west of Treasure Island Golf Course. 797.7221.
bath. Refrigeraled air. Parsons NEWLY Painted. 3 bedroom, 2 Evans Monterey Schools. No pets.
$500. 792-2470. 793-9025. 2 BEDROOM Duplox. Panctiing, cathedral cellino, bullt-in cooking, refrigerator.
Dishwasher. Plumbed. $300. 795-4597. 5438 9th LARGE 3-2-2.
fireplace, garage openers. Living room and den, new paint inside and out, $525. 797-4703, 797-3610. ENERGY EFFICIENT Duptox 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath, dishwasher, ranoe, disposal, hookups. rofrigerator, fanced yard, garage.
745-1533. Monday Friday, 795-3633 alter 5pm. LARGE Luxury Duplex 2 Bed room 2 bath, bulli-Ins, double car garage. 793-1019, 795-9989. 2201 48th 3 BEDROOM, Nice.
$425. Stinson's Property Manage mont, 792-3733. BY For lease. Beaulilul custom bull! 3-2-2 wilh 20x20' basemant Localed on 1 acre in Westwooc Subdivision. Almost now 270 square feel.
Many extras. $89: monihly. References. Available June 1st. Charles Wynn Real Estate, 794-3907.
SPACIOUS 3-2-2 Fireplace, Excellent condi: Charles. DUPLEX Nico Clean 3 bed room 2 bath. 1320 square feel lencod yard. $450. 741h Avenue W.
796-2466, 795-9537. 2 BEDROOM 2 Balh Luxury Ou plex $395 Monthly, Water Paid 4518-A 651h. Mike, 792-3734, 794 6658, DUPLEX 2 Bedroom, dryer connections, carport, contra alr. stove and refrigerator. pets.
$230 monthly, plus 4407-A 31st Street. 799-6842. BEDROOM 2 Bath, Double da rage, refrigerated ale, all built-in: refriocrator. 5528 Grinneil. $46 Monthly, $200 deposit.
799-1358, 747 8034. SPECIAL Deal. Southwest Luxury Ouplex. Yard maintained. 796-0450, 741-2785.
DUPLEX. 2 bedroom, redecoralcd, retrigerated air, carport, water pald, Couples, no child. ren. No pets. $365.
3010A 35th. 5849. IMMACULATE! 3-2-2 corner brick In Meadowgreon. Fircplace, electric garage door, oversized pallo, built- Ins. 843-2838.
Local. AVAILABLE Now. 2 Bedroom, Bath Duplex With Fireplace, Washer Dryer Hookups. Many Extras. $385, Call Scoll, At West Texas Inveslors, 797-3231, 795-0298.
CONVENIENT TO REESE TECH MED SCHOOL New Dunlexes. 2 bedrooms. garage, fireplace, fanced yard, washer dryer connections, storm windows doors. 822 North Elkhart. 794-4451 794-4580 LARGE LUXURY DUPLEX New 2 bdrm, 2 bath, Double Garage, Fireplace, Built761h Ulica Nights -028-3413, 793-1019 NEW DUPLEXES 15 DAYS FREE RENT bedroom.
2 bath, 2 car rage with fireplace, builtIns microwave. Sound, cray conscious construc-1 :03 tion. $495 plus utilities, 9801. Memphis. 745-5502 DUPLEX PLUS New -Enorgy Efficient Bedroom, 2 Bath, Fireplace.
Water Furnished 794-4423 765-2181 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3-1-1 Excellent condition, Range, dishwasher, fireplace $475. 9746 Bellon Adorable JAR now carpet fresh paint. Stove, ref. d.w., huge yd. 650 Ave.
$325 2 BR duplex Stove, water uned location. 1322 62nd Luxury duploxes, 7 UR, earth. lones, some FP's, From $375 10 $495, Lars: 3.1-1. duplex, 1so. storage, fireplace.
$495 3705 CAth 2 living areas 3BR 11 bath carthtones, 5420 481h $475 Whisperwood Townhomes, 2-7-2, Tennis Swim privileges. $550 101 South Troy Call for other avallable properties. LANDMARK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 713-0751 62, Unfurnished Houses, EXTRA nice! 3-2-2. good location 10 Reose, Texas Toch, Med and Downtown. 795-6443.
799-2704. AVAILABLE Juno 1. 3-2-2, Central Alr Heat, Fenced. Door Openers, Fan, Access To Tech, T.I. Reese.
Kids And Pets With Deposit. 794. 9812 After 7pm. NEED To Ronl MY Home. A Coupie With No Children, Good Local 1lon.
$375 Monthly. 799-6048. NICE three bedroom, two bath, rage, fenced, drapes, carpoted, ap-. pilances, central heat air, $425-; monih, $175 security deposit. One year lease required.
794-2034. OUPLEX. 3831-A Sist. Two, bed-' room. bath, garage, swimming' pool, gas and water pald.
$450, 2347. LARGE Brick Three Bedroom, Two Bath, Fireplace, Refrigerall Air. 4802 73rd. Lease $650. 866-9619, RAINTREE.
Three Bedroom, Two Bath. Double Garage, Elcctric Doors. Beautiful Inside And Call Doa McLaurin. 763-1136. FOR Lease 3 bedroom.
2 balli. Fenced backyard. 5414 61h. $395. monthly, 799-0875.
795-7131, 203. 4215 A 361h. 1 bedroom $205. 792-2749. SPACIOUS Walk Park.
5611 38th. $500. Sunbelt Properly Manaders, 795-3325, LUXURY Duplex, new 3 2 bath. 2 car garage. Fireplace.
vorcu patio, 799-5749 or (512) 699.. 1800. TIRED of throwing money away. renting? $475 down. Payments 1490.
monthly after tax savings buys this sharpest home in south Lubbock. Serious Inquiries phone ownur, 745-6267 for details, DEAUTIFUL Five bedroom, four. bath. Newly decorated, Rent or lease purchase. 793- 6675.
SUPER Nico 3-2-2 connuctions, fenced yard, blinds, $525 monihly. 743-7005 after 4PM. 4411 381h. THREE Bedroom, Iwa. bath.
$400 monthly plus bits, de posit. 793-3191, TWO Bedroom house 2100 block 37nd. One year lease, deposit. 744-' 0741, THREE Bedroom brick duplex. Garage, replace, appliances.
dishwasher, connectons, fenced yard. near Reese, Tech. $420, 794-3107. 2-2-2 Duplex. 7907 Aberdeen.
Fire- 1 place. Eleciric parade door. Washor -dryer hookups, rants last. 794- 2041. LUXURY Duplex.
3-2-2 with lots of, exiras, $625. 797-5532. THREE Bedroom, balh. dining room, gamuroom wilh wot. bar, many exiras.
5719 701h. 2653. 2630 761h. 4-2-2. AVAILABLE Walk to Elumeniary rave door opener.
Gas prill. Water. softener. 745-2493. 3-2-2.
BRICK. Retriocrated' air. Fenced. 5713 141h Street. Very nice.
797.4860. QUAIL Valley. Elociric opener. Covered pollo, security bars. Storage shed, 4709 Lehigh.
797-5499. NICE tour bedrooms plus den. tral alr. Fireplace. Gas grill.
$600., 796-0304, AVAILABLE Juno 1, 4617 Jarvis. 3-1 2-2. Fireplace, noor Tech, $500 794-5950. TWO Dedroom, one bath, brick, fireplace, earthiones, mint. blinds, nice.
747-9379. 3-2-2, REFRIGERATED Air, fire. place, $575 plus deposit. 792-0846. 2104 8TH.
TWO bedrooms, refer. encus, Ivase, no pots, $275 plus blils, $150 deposit. 797-8761. NO Doposit. 2 Bedroom Now, Fireplace, 4607 795-5723, 793-0762.
Rentals 1 54. Pets Parrols For Sale. $150 cash. After 5pm. 792-2484.
Black and chocolate. 505-322-7179. POODLE, co*cker Spaniel, Collle, Siberian Husky, Dachshund, Long haired Dachshund, American Eskimo, Cairn Terrier, Kittens. nett Pet Center, South Plains Mall. FREE KITTENS TO GOOD HOME.
792-7082. CHINESE Wrinkle Dog Pups. Dogs and Pups Avallable. Call For More Information. 799-5340.
BLACK Minialure Poodles, 3 months old. $75. 797-9442. GENTLE, Mannered Grown Cats. Male Female.
Assoried Colors. -All Neulered. To Give To Loving Horns. 793-6300, 765-8555. AKC Collie Puppies.
Sable And White. One Female. Has Shols. $90. Call 806-246-3449.
REGISTERED Miniature Hair Puppy. Shots a And Wormed. hund Black And Tan Mate Long Levelland, 894-3749. AKC REGISTERED Collie Pup. pies.
Sable and while, tricolor. Deposit will hold until June. After 6PM, 795-6342. POODLE Puppies. 6 Weeks Old, Registered Males Chocalate, Black.
AKC Black Labrador Retreiver puppies for sale. Call after 5:30 and weekends. 745-4714 or 866-4657. AXC Adult, female, Toy Poodles. 5125 or bast offer.
894-9960. REGISTERED Old English Sheepdon, femalc. spayed, one year. $125. AKC SCOTTIES Best Thrifty Puppies Around.
Three males. $175. B94-4704. BLACK Miniature Schnauzer tomales. 8 weeks.
excellent lines. 794-3687. AKC Registered Basset! Hounds. $125. Call Snyder, 915-573-8626 Aft.
er 5PM. WHITE German Shepherds. sei Hounds, Norwegian Elkhounds. Dachshunds, co*cker Spaniels, Lhasa Apsos, Black Labs, Mixed Breed Puppies. Persians, mese And Killens.
Pels Plus, 6401 University, 792-2111. ONLY 3 Left! AXC Airedale Puppics, Great Family Dogs, Excellent Watchdoos. 747-0780. TOP Quality AKC co*cker Spaniel Puppies. Males, $100.
863-2480. GREAT Dane puppies. Blacks and BrIndles, $100. 806-863-2995. AKC Chow Chows.
$150. Shols and papers. 747-6033. GENTLE, loving, part Border col-. lie female to plve away to understanding home.
year old, spayed, shots. Call 744-1365 or 742-3151. AKC REGISTERED Miniature Dachshund Quality. Champion Father. Also Stud ServIce.
745-6359. EXCELLENT AKC Doberman Pups for sale. Red or black. Call anytime, 747-1461. AKC CHOCOLATE Lab evers.
Born 3-24-84. 505-397-2719 or 397-3879. FOR Salo: AKC Lhasa Apso pup. ples. Five weeks old.
Very unusual litter. Call 806-481-9066. ALASKAN 1mber German Shunherd puppies. 2206, 915-728-3351. FREE Bassett hounds: Spayed, all sho15.
795-3401. SEVEN month black female chow: Has shots and papers. $100. 832- 4362. AKC.
BOXER Puppies. Fawn and whlle. Champion Bloodline. 915- 381-0072 after 5 weekdays, anytime weekends. FREE 5 month male Samoyed.
Not AKA. 793-6536. AUSTRALIAN Shepherd Male fo givo awdy. 1 years old. 794- 4069.
DOGHOUSE. Recently built, In coltant shape, must sell, $45. 797- 1627. MUST Find Right Buyer for excep. fionally beauliful AKC reulsiered Sable Collie male 18 months old.
Good pediarce. $100. 505-258-5146. A.K.C. CHOW Puppies.
Shots wormed. FREE Killens to good home. Day. time 765-6019, aller 5PM 797. 9668.
SHOW Quality AKC Lhasa Apso puppies. 7 wecks old. REGISTERED Pit. Bull puppies. Concha bloodline.
$75. 634-5623, 54,89. AKC BLACK Miniature Schnau. zers shots, $150: 797-9225, 795- 5203, STUD Service AKC replstered Yorkshire Terrier. Call 794-8797.
ROTTWEILER puppies for sola. Stud service. Sire German port. Champion bloodline. 806-828- 6854.
AKC, 11-Month Old Mate, Rottwull. cr. Intelligent, Protective, And Obedience Trained. Likos Child. ren, 915-573-0296.
AKC Snow While Male Poodle. 8" High. $200. 694-9260. Levelland.
To give away, 3 year old maio pil bull dog to approved hom*o. Pay for ad, 799-7243. AKC male Pomeranian, 4 months. $225 wIth shots. 792-0436.
745-913). ENGLISH Short Hair Pointer Pups. $50, 747-7117 aller 6PM. AKC co*cker puppios. Personality, quality, loving, buffs, blacks.
$100. 797-2751, AKC GOLDEN Reirlover Puppies, $100. Ready May 30. 293-7801 10pm, REGISTERED Chow Puppies, $175. Kittens to give away, Call 797.
7396. FOR Salo: 8 year old Welsh Mare, Call B04- FREE co*cker Spaniel, reals. tered black male. 3 year old, To loving home, loving. 796-1044 aft.
or 5:30. 55. Machinery Tools FORKLIFTS For Rent. 806-745 9208. FOR Sala: 1976 Lincoln portablo welder.
Call Lovelland: 7701. 1956 35 CRESENT Plainer. Knito Cutting Head, Jointer And Grinder, Power Raise, Power Low. ar On Bed. Mini Condition, Asking $10,500, Also; Miscellancous Heavy Wood working MAnchinory, Call lY, 806-359-013? Datore 7AM Or er 8Pm Wackdays.
All Day urday And CAPITALIZATION GETS TIONIII New Townhome for Lease. and 1 bedrooms. Spacious luxury with super. quality security, energy efficiency. and prounds maintenanco, Lubbock's finest.
3215-17 65th Jeff Wheeler, REALTOR, 799-6714 NEW DUPLEXES 2 Fireplace, All bu Near Shadow Hills 5706-10 Harvard Ask About More-In Special. 747-9477 799-8065: 15 DAYS FREE RENT Quiet new luxury duplex. 1500 5F Spacious 3-2-2. fire. place, microwave, core.
free landscaping. 90128' Jordan. $495 monthly. 745-0677, 794-2160. New Energy Efficient 2 bedroom duplexos with fireptaces, walkin closets, all appliances -in.
$400 up. Deposit required. Very spacious In AvaJon Addillon. Yards Maintained. Kay Fowler, REALTORS 795-8499 UNIQUE NEW DUPLEX EFFICIENT Landscaped, fireplace wolor furnished 745-7778 792-3029 795-2969 LUXURY DUPLEX Laroc 2 bedroom, 2 bath, connections, fireplaces, colling fan, garage; fenced yard.
Eneroy ficient. 745-8492 WE'VE GOT THE LOCATION FOR Hew Residential Townhomes 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Professionaly decorated Interiors Including decorator wall covarinas. Mirrors over fireplace and in dining area, self-cloaning oven. dishwaster, privated fenced pallo.
Zero lenance yards, garage. Convenient to all of West 6100 Wast 341h. $450 monthly discount of first months' rent, 3-2-1 Brick house for lease 6325 291h, dishwasher, gas grill. conn. PRACTICAL and Economical Quadraplexes 2.1½, 1p, Conn.
refrigerator, private backyard: 2301 $300 DISCOUNT ON FIRST 2 MONTHS RENTI Children Call for Detalls, Call I Park Plaza Property Manasem*nt a1 794-5400. FREE VACATION For 2 LAS VEGAS NEW ORLEANS (WORLD FAIR) OR MEXICO Your Choice With 1 Year Lease Call 792-9048 792-9048 1 1 12.