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DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET)




DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Projektinformation Titel: DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) Projektnummer: 2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365 Jahr: 2012 Projekttyp: Innovationstransfer Status: bewilligt Land: FI-Finnland Marketing Text: The project will develop model and materials for a basic course module on SQL transactions, and training course to teachers in VET institutions for use of the course module in teaching. The materials are based on ISO SQL standard and implementations in the modern mainstream DBMS products used by ICT industry. Zusammenfassung: In the survey of the LLP Transversal project DBTech EXT on database education in a sample of VET institutions was found that some essential database topics that are very critical and important to the quality and competitiveness of European ICT industry are hardly covered. Lack of understanding the techniques of SQL transactions and concurrency can lead to poor performance in database environment and companies to loose data permanently. As part of exploitation of the DBTech EXT project, the current project focuses on providing basics of DBTech EXT tutorials in a suitable form for VET institutions, starting with a training course on SQL transactions to teachers. The project has developed a model and materials for a basic course module on SQL transactions, and training course to teachers in VET institutions for use of the course module in teaching. The materials are based on ISO SQL standard and implementations in the modern mainstream DBMS products used by ICT industry. The aim is to renew the teaching of database technologies so that it is based on the current and real needs of ICT industry in Europe. The produced materials is adaptable in all partner countries and translated into national languages. One objective is to enhance the cooperation between VET, HE and ICT industry. Developing a module on SQL transactions is to create a transferable model for tailoring an up -to-date pedagogical approach that takes in to account the needs of curricular reform, the national qualification frameworks and recognition of prior learning. The consortium includes a group of members in DBTechNet network (www.dbtechnet.org) and new HE and VET institute partners having expertise in pedagogy and various database technology areas. The working life is also represented well in the consortium. The tangible outcomes include the course module on SQL transactions with content materials in Web and downloadable virtual database lab for hands-on exercises, training course material for teachers on pedagogy and use of the course module. The intangible outcomes are; linking VET and HE education to meet better the needs of labor market, improved co-operation between VET and HE institutes -both national and European wide. The project impacts the quality of database training in VET institutions, improving knowledge and skills of both teachers and students in reliable accessing of databases, improving vocational competencies of students in labor market. The course module can be used also on database course on HE institutions and so will help in recognizing earlier studies as VET students continue studies in HE



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Projektinformation institutions. Furthermore, the project promotes the European cooperation of VET, HE and industry institutions in the field of database technologies and other fields of education. DBTechNet LinkedIn group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/DBTechNet-4986048 Beschreibung: Themen: *** IKT *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Erstausbildung ** Nutzung und Verbreitung von Ergebnissen ** Interkulturelles Lernen ** Sonstiges ** Hochschulbildung ** Fernlehre ** Weiterbildung * Arbeitsmarkt * Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung Sektoren: *** Information und Kommunikation *** Erziehung und Unterricht Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite:



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Vertragnehmer Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Helsinki Business College Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland Erstausbildung http://www.businesscollege.fi

Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Homepage:

Aino Väänänen PL 133 (Hattulantie 2) Helsinki FI-Finnland +358 44 775 0612 +358 9 140 321 [emailprotected]



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Koordinator Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Helsinki Business College Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland Erstausbildung http://www.businesscollege.fi

Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: E-Mail: Homepage:

Aino Väänänen PL 133 (Hattulantie 2) Helsinki FI-Finnland +358 44 775 0612 +358 9 140 321 [emailprotected]



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Partner Partner 1 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRYMA ATHINAS Aigaleo Attiki EL-Griechenland andere http://www.teiath.gr/

Partner 2 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Centro del Profesorado de Málaga Málaga Andalucia ES-Spanien andere http://www.cepmalaga.com

Partner 3 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

IES CAMPANILLAS Málaga Andalucia ES-Spanien andere http://www.iescampanillas.org

Partner 4 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp:

IES Guadalpin Marbella Andalucia ES-Spanien andere




DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Partner Partner 5 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Keuda Etelä-Suomi FI-Finnland Erstausbildung http://www.keuda.fi

Partner 6 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Kansaneläkelaitos Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland andere http://www.kela.fi

Partner 7 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Business Data Bases Oy Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland andere http://www.bdb.fi

Partner 8 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp:

TietoKarhu Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland andere




DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Partner Partner 9 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

INSTITOUTO DIA BIOU EKPEDEFSIS ATEI-TH Sindos Kentriki Makedonia EL-Griechenland andere http://idve.teithe.gr/

Partner 10 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Tallinna Polütehnikum Tallinn Eesti EE-Estland andere http://www.tptlive.ee

Partner 11 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

OSAO Oulu Pohjois-Suomi FI-Finnland Erstausbildung http://www.osao.fi

Partner 12 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences Helsinki Uusimaa (Suuralue) FI-Finnland andere http://www.haaga-helia.fi



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Partner Partner 13 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp:

Aigaleo Attiki EL-Griechenland andere


Partner 14 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

Novasoft Corporación Empresarial S.L. Málaga Andalucia ES-Spanien andere http://www.novasoft.eu

Partner 15 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

ALEXANDRIO TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRYMA Sindos Kentriki Makedonia EL-Griechenland andere http://www.teithe.gr/

Partner 16 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage:

University of Malaga Málaga Andalucia ES-Spanien andere http://www.uma.es



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Projektdateien WP2_report_DBTechVET_2015_03_12 (2).pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prj/WP2_report_DBTechVET_2015_03_12%20%282%29.pdf Work package 2 final report - Development

WP2 WebPortalReport.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prj/WP2%20WebPortalReport.pdf Work package 2 final report - Web Portal Report

WP4 Final Report VF.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prj/WP4%20Final%20Report%20VF.pdf Work package 4 final report - Testing and Piloting

WP5 DisseminationWPReport_VF.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prj/WP5%20DisseminationWPReport_VF.pdf Work package 5 final report - Dissemination



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkte 1

SQL Transactions handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises


SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Spanish


SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Greek


SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Estonian


SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Finnish


SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Russian


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Spanish


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Estonian


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Finnish


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Greek


Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Russian


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Spanish


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Estonian


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Finnish


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Greek


SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Russian


Introduction to SQL Transactions for teachers, trainers and application developers - presentation


Basics of SQL Transactions


Paper "Zero Tolerance for Incorrect Data: Best Practices in SQL Transaction Programming"


Paper "A DBTechNet Course Module on Database SQL Transactions for VET Teachers Training and


Paper "A DBTechNet Project for VET Teacher Training on Database SQL Transactions"


Debian DB virtual database laboratory



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises' Titel: SQL Transactions handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: The purpose of this tutorial is to present the basics of transaction programming using the mainstream DBMS products. Some typical problems and transaction tuning possibilities are also presented. Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_en_2014-11-10.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/1/1/sql-transactions_handbook_en_2014-11-10.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Spanish' Titel: SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Spanish Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: El propósito de este tutorial es presentar los elementos básicos de transacciones SQL y su comportamiento en los distintos SGBD. Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Spanisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_sp_2014-11-12.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/2/1/sql-transactions_handbook_sp_2014-11-12.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Greek' Titel: SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Greek Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text:

(DBMS). - See more at:

Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Griechisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_gr_2014-11-12.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/3/1/sql-transactions_handbook_gr_2014-11-12.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Estonian' Titel: SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Estonian Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: Käesoleva juhendi eesmärgiks on selgitada elementaarseid andmetehingute programmeerimise võtteid levinumates andmebaasi haldussüsteemides (ABHS). Lisatud on näiteid tüüpilistest lahendustest ning lihtsamatest optimeerimistest. Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Estnisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_ee_2014-11-12_0.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/4/1/sql-transactions_handbook_ee_2014-11-12_0.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Finnish' Titel: SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on exercises in Finnish Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: Tämän tutorialin tarkoitus on esittää transaktio-ohjelmoinnin perusteet keskeisten tietokantaohjelmistojen osalta. Tutorial kuvaa tyypilliset käsittelyn ongelmat ja näiden ratkaisemiseen tarvittavat transaktioiden säädöt. Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Finnisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_fi_2014-11-10.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/5/1/sql-transactions_handbook_fi_2014-11-10.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Russian' Titel: SQL Transactions Handbook - Theory and Hands-on Exercises in Russian Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: The purpose of this tutorial is to present the basics of transaction programming using the mainstream DBMS products. Some typical problems and transaction tuning possibilities are also presented. - See more at: Beschreibung: Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Russisch

product files sql-transactions_handbook_ru_2014-11-12.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/6/1/sql-transactions_handbook_ru_2014-11-12.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DebianDB is a Debian Linux virtual machine providing a portable and free database laboratory to be used either on classroom courses or as self-study tool of students or individual professionals. It is based on an earlier version developed at University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki for DBTech EXT project of DBTechNet, and further developed by Mr. Taito Halonen at Haaga-Helia UAS in Helsinki for DBTechNet. We are grateful also to Debian.org (http://www.debian.org/index.en.html) on making the Linux platform and updates available and to the database vendors providing the free editions of their commercial products available for database studies, relevant in the working life. Beschreibung: The purpose of this document is to help you in installing the lab and to start using the database product(s) of your choice in this Linux based database laboratory of your own, even if you are not too familiar to Linux before. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_en_2014-12-10.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/7/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_en_2014-12-10.pdf Quick start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in English



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Spanish' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Spanish Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DebianDB es una máquina virtual Debian Linux que viene con varios gestores pre-instalados: IBM DB2 Express-C, Oracle XE, MySQL GA, PostgreSQL, y Pyrrho. MySQL GA no es el gestor más fiable pero dado que es el más usado en los ciclos formativos, en adelante lo usaremos como primer gestor para mostrar las tareas de manipulación de las transacciones. Se basa en la version desarrollada por la University of Macedonia de Thessaloniki en el proyecto DBTech EXT project de la red DBTechNet. Ha sido ampliada por Mr. Taito Halonen en Haaga-Helia UAS en Helsinki para DBTechNet. Agradecemos a Debian.org (http://www.debian.org/index.en.html) por proporcionar la plataforma Linux y actualizaciones, y a los propietarios de los gestores de bases de datos usados por proporcionar versiones de libre acceso. Beschreibung: Este documento sirve de introducción al uso de dicha máquina virtual. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Spanisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_es_2014-12-10.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/8/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_es_2014-12-10.pdf Quick Start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in Spanish



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Estonian' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Estonian Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DBTech VET “SQL Andmetehingud” kursus ja selle materjalid on litsenseeritud Creative Commons litsentsiga: Autorile viitamine – Mitteäriline eesmärk – Jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0. DebianDB on Debian Linux-i virtuaalkeskkond, mis pakub tasuta portatiivset andmebaasi virtuaallaborit kasutamiseks kursuste raames või tudengitele/õppijatele ja tarkvaraarendajatele iseõppimiseks. Toode baseerub varasemal DBTechNet-i Thessaloniki Makedoonia Ülikoolis arendatud DBTech EXT projekti versioonil, mida on DBTechNet-i jaoks täiendanud hr. Taito Halonen Helsingi Haaga-Helia Rakenduskõrgkoolist (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science). Samuti oleme tänulikud Debian.org-ile (http://www.debian.org/index.en.html) Linux-i pltvormi ja uuenduste kättesaadavuse eest ning andmebaaside tootjatele, kes on meil võimaldanud oma kommerts toodete tasuta versioone käesolevate kursuste materjalide ja õpiobjektide koostamiseks. Beschreibung: Selle juhendi eesmärgiks on aidata kasutajat virtuaallabori keskkonna installeerimisel ning valitud andmebaasi haldussüsteemide (ABHS) iseseisva kasutamise alustamisel isegi siis, kui varasem kokkupuude Linux-iga puudub. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Estnisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_est.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/9/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_est.pdf Quick Start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in Estonian



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Finnish' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Finnish Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DBTechLab, jonka versiosta 6 käytetään myös nimitystä DebianDB, on ilmainen tietokantalaboratorio, joka rakentuu32-bittisestä Debian Linux –pohjaisesta virtuaalikoneesta ja siihen asennetuista ilmaisista tietokantatuotteista ja on tarkoitettu luokkahuoneopetukseen ja myös opiskelijoiden sekä ammattilaisten itseopiskeluvälineeksi. Virtuaalikoneen aikaisempi versio kehitettiin Makedonian yliopistossa Thessalonikissa DBTechNet-verkostolle ja tätä on edelleen kehittänyt opinnäytetyön osana Taito Halonen Haaga-Heliassa. DBTechNet on kiitollinen Debian.org -järjestölle (http://www.debian.org/index.en.html) sen Linux-versioiden kehityksestä ja kaupallisten, työelämässä käytettävien tietokantaohjelmistojen tuottajille näiden ilmaisversioiden saatavuudesta opiskelukäyttöön. Beschreibung: Tämän dokumentin tarkoitus on auttaa laboratorion asentamisessa ja sen tietokantatuotteiden käyttöönotossa, vaikka Linux-käyttöjärjestelmä ei olisikaan ennestään tuttu. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Finnisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_fi_0.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/10/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_fi_0.pdf Quick Start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in Finnish



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Greek' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Greek Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DebianDB Debian Linux , -- , . Halonen Haaga--Helia UAS , DBTechNet. , Debian.org (hNp://www.debian.org/index.en.html) Linux , , .


(--) (--) (--)


Linux ,

DBTech EXT DBTechNet

. Taito

Linux .

Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Griechisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_gr_2013-08-11.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/11/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_gr_2013-08-11.pdf Quick Start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in Greek



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Russian' Titel: Quick Start to the DBTechLab (DebianDB) Database Laboratory in Russian Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: DebianDB – Linux Debian, , , . , DBTech EXT DBTechNet, DBTechNet Haaga-Helia . Debian.org (http://www.debian.org/index.en.html) , , , , .







Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Russisch

product files quickstarttodebiandbv06_ru.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/12/1/quickstarttodebiandbv06_ru.pdf Quick Start to Database Laboratory - tutorial in Russian



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Reliable data access must be based on properly designed SQL transactions with ZERO TOLERANCE to incorrect data in database. Knowledge and skills needed for developing reliable and secure data access in applications in ICT industry are critical for the success of trainees on their career in working life, whereas reliability failure of some developed application can be a catastrophe affecting the careers. Professional growing starts by proper education, and teachers are in key position as coachers of future professionals. Beschreibung: In this basic course, the challenge for the teacher/trainer is (a) to identify the current level of knowledge and skills in his student audience, and (b) to provide an overview on the basic concepts and the key challenges involved, in a way that raises the students’ interest and motivation in the underlying technology. Zielgruppe: The target groups of this guide include teachers, trainers in vocational institutes and industryoriented higher education institutes. Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_en_2014-12-10.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/13/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_en_2014-12-10.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Spanish' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Spanish Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: El acceso fiable a los datos debe estar basado en el uso de transacciones correctamente diseñadas con una TOLERANCIA CERO hacia los datos incorrectos en nuestra base de datos. Un programador que no comprende la tecnología de transacciones puede violar fácilmente la integridad de los contenidos de la base de datos y bloquear o ralentizar el Sistema de producción. Al igual que con el tráfico de vehículos, las reglas de acceso a la base de datos deben conocerse y obedecerse. Beschreibung: El propósito de este tutorial es presentar los conceptos básicos de la programación de las transacciones usando los principales SGBD. Se presentan además algunos problemas típicos y cómo afinar las transacciones en esos casos. Zielgruppe: Este documento está dirigido a profesores, docentes en ciclos de formación e instituciones docentes con orientación industrial. Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Spanisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_sp_2014-09-24.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/14/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_sp_2014-09-24.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Estonian' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Estonian Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Usaldusväärne andmeliiklus baseerub ennekõike korralikult koostatud SQL süntaksil, kus vigaste andmete jõudmine andmete hulka on välistatud (Zero tolerance). Usaldusväärsete ja turvaliste andmevahetusrakenduste arendamiseks vajalikud teadmised ja oskused on IKT tööstuses olulise tähtsusega, tagamaks koolitatavate edukat karjääri, nii võib ka mõni halvasti disainitud rakendus mõjuda laastavalt nende karjäärile. Ekspertide kujunemine saab alguse korralikust haridusest ning selles on oluline roll õpetajatel kui tulevaste professionaalide juhendajatel. Beschreibung: Baaskursusel on õpetaja väljakutseteks õppijates huvi ja motivatsiooni tekitamine, põhiliste kontseptsioonide arusaadavaks tegemine ja üldise ülevaate andmine ning õppijatele sobiva raskusastme leidmine edasiste ülesannete käsitlemisel. Zielgruppe: Selle juhendi sihtgrupiks on õpetajad, koolitajad/kutseõpetajad ja tööstusele orienteeritud kõrgharidusasutused. Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Estnisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_est.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/15/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_est.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Finnish' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Finnish Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Luotettavan tietokannan käytön tulee rakentua huolella suunnitelluista SQL-transaktioista ja nolla-toleranssilla tietovirheille. Luotettavien ja suojattujen sovellusten kehittämisessä tarvittavat tiedot ja taidot ovat kriittisiä työuraansa valmistautuville ja aloitteleville sovelluskehittäjille. Sen sijaan epäluotettavat sovellukset voivat aiheuttaa katastrofeja ja haitata työuria. Ammatillinen kasvaminen alkaa oikealla koulutuksella ja tässä opettajat ovat avainasemassa tulevien ammattilaisten valmentajina. Beschreibung: Peruskursseilla opettajien haasteena on opiskelijoiden mielenkiinnon ja motivaation herättäminen, peruskäsitteiden, yleiskuvan ja haasteellisuuksien oikea esittäminen, tunnistaen oikea taso asioiden esittämiseksi opiskelijoille. Zielgruppe: Tämän oppaan kohderyhmään kuuluvat ammatillisten oppilaitosten ja ammattikorkeakoulujen opettajat ja ohjaajat. Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Finnisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_fi_2014-08-19.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/16/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_fi_2014-08-19.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Greek' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Greek Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: SQL .


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Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Griechisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_gr_2014-10-13.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/17/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_gr_2014-10-13.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Russian' Titel: SQL Transactions Teacher’s Guide in Russian Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text:





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Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Russisch

product files sql-transactions_teacherguide_ru.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/18/1/sql-transactions_teacherguide_ru.pdf



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Introduction to SQL Transactions for teachers, trainers and application developers - presentation' Titel: Introduction to SQL Transactions for teachers, trainers and application developers presentation Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: Beschreibung: A general introduction (64 slides) to SQL Transactions for teachers, trainers and application developers Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files sql-transactions_intro.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/19/1/sql-transactions_intro.pdf Introduction to SQL Transactions for teachers, trainers and application developers



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Basics of SQL Transactions' Titel: Basics of SQL Transactions Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Basics of SQL Transactions - “Big Picture” for understanding COMMIT and ROLLBACK of SQL transactions; Files, Buffers, Listener, Service Threads, and Transactions Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files basicsofsqltransactions.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/20/1/basicsofsqltransactions.pdf Basics of SQL Transactions - presentation



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Paper "Zero Tolerance for Incorrect Data: Best Practices in SQL Transaction Programming"' Titel: Paper "Zero Tolerance for Incorrect Data: Best Practices in SQL Transaction Programming" Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Integrated Information in Madrid, Spain. Abstract. DBMS products differ in the way they support even the basic SQL transaction services. In this paper, a framework of best practices in SQL transaction programming is given and discussed. The SQL developers are advised to experiment with and verify the services supported by the DBMS product used. The framework has been developed by DBTechNet, a European network of teachers, trainers and ICT professionals. A course module on SQL transactions, offered by the LLP "DBTech VET Teachers" programme, is also presented and discussed. Aims and objectives of the programme include the introduction of the topics and content of SQL transactions and concurrency control to HE/VET curricula and addressing the need for initial and continuous training on these topics to in-company trainers, VET teachers, and Higher Education students. An overview of the course module, its learning outcomes, the education and training (E&T) content, virtual database labs with hands-on selfpracticing exercises, plus instructions for the teacher/trainer on the pedagogy and the usage of the course modules’ content are briefly described. The main principle adopted is to “Learn by verifying in practice” and the transactions course motto is: “Zero Tolerance for Incorrect Data” Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files AIP_1-2015_paper.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/21/1/AIP_1-2015_paper.pdf Zero tolerance for incorrect data: Best practices in SQL transaction programming (paper)



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Paper "A DBTechNet Course Module on Database SQL Transactions for VET Teachers Training and Higher Education Informatics Education"' Titel: Paper "A DBTechNet Course Module on Database SQL Transactions for VET Teachers Training and Higher Education Informatics Education" Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Integrated Information in Madrid, Spain. Abstract. “DBTech VET Teachers” project is Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral Transfer of Innovation Project co-financed by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. The aim of the project is to renew the teaching of database technologies in VET (Vocational Education and Training) institutes, on the basis of the current and real needs of ICT industry in Europe. Training of the VET teachers is done with the systems used in working life and they are taught to guide students to learning by verifying. In this framework, a course module on SQL transactions is prepared and offered. In this paper we present and briefly discuss some qualitative/quantitative data collected from its first pilot offering to an international audience in Greece during May-June 2013. The questionnaire/evaluation results, and the types of participants who have attended the course offering, are presented. Conclusions are also presented. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files AIP_2-2015_paper.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/22/1/AIP_2-2015_paper.pdf Paper "A DBTechNet Course Module on Database SQL Transactions for VET Teachers Training and Higher Education Informatics Education"



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Paper "A DBTechNet Project for VET Teacher Training on Database SQL Transactions"' Titel: Paper "A DBTechNet Project for VET Teacher Training on Database SQL Transactions" Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Paper presented at the Balkan Conference of Informatics (BCI) Abstract: DBTechNet is a network of teachers, trainers and professionals from HE institutions, VET institutions, and ICT companies. To synchronize the coverage of basic database topics in VET and HE curricula, DBTechNet has conducted a survey in a number of European VET institutions. The survey has revealed the absence of SQL transactions in many of today's VET curricula, although transaction technology is crucial for reliable data access. In response to this finding, the LLP "DBTech VET Teachers" project got initiated in order to introduce the topics of SQL transactions and concurrency control to VET teachers and trainers. This is along the lines of the need for a priority shift towards flexible and effective professional skills (re-)training programs that facilitate the adaptability of the workforce to new labour market trends in today's volatile EU economy. Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch

product files BCI_2013_DBTechVET_paper.pdf http://www.adam-europe.eu/prj/10060/prd/23/1/BCI_2013_DBTechVET_paper.pdf A DBTechNet Project for VET Teacher Training on Database SQL Transactions



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Produkt 'Debian DB virtual database laboratory' Titel: Debian DB virtual database laboratory Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Debian DB virtual database laboratory (4GB zip) ready to be installed to PC. Available at http://www.dbtechnet.org/download/DebianDBVM06.zip Zielgruppe: Resultat: Anwendungsbereich: Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Veranstaltungen Oracle XE:n ja tietokantakäsittelyn seminaari Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe

22.10.2014 Oracle XE and transactions seminar. In Finnish VET teachers and professionals

Öffentlich Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation

Mr. Martti Laiho, [emailprotected]

Zeitpunkt und Ort 22.10.2014 at 12-16 in Helsinki Business College http://tietokantatransaktiot-seminaari-2014.splashthat.com/

SQL TransactionAlWays - One-day workshop on SQL Transactions Datum Beschreibung

10.04.2014 The learning objectives of the one-day workshop, when combined with the DBTech VET "SQL Transactions" educational and training content, have as follows: 1.describe the concepts and practices involved in the implementation of transaction concurrency control policies in the modern database management system, 2.compare and contrast a number of popular RDBMS environments with respect to the technology utilised in the implementation of transaction concurrency control policies and techniques, 3.write transactional programming code with an attitude of enforcing zero tolerance to incorrect data, 4.demonstrate transaction concurrency anomalies and the degree to which they are dealt with by implementing transaction isolation levels and good programming practices in today's popular database management system environments, and 5.teach the relevant concepts, techniques and skills at the vocational training and/or higher education level, in the form of a database technology course module.


Target audiences include VET teachers/trainers, ICT professionals, HE graduates and students with a keen interest and motivation in database technology applications.

Öffentlich Öffentliche Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation

Dr. Dimitris Dervos [emailprotected]

Zeitpunkt und Ort 10 April 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece Registration by 20 March 2014 http://dbtechthess2014.weebly.com/



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Veranstaltungen Database Transactios Summit 2013, Helsinki & online Datum Beschreibung

04.09.2013 Welcome to the Database Transactions Summit 2013! Keynote speakers Monty Widenius and Antoni Wolski. Hands-on lab in real database environment with the latest technology. Participants will get free self-study training package. The summit will also be broadcasted online, including the hands-on labs (registration required).


Teachers, professionals in ICT industry, students having studies on databases.

Öffentlich Öffentliche Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation

Programme and registration :http://databasetransactionssummit2013.splashthat.com Contact Information: [emailprotected]

Zeitpunkt und Ort Wednesday 4th September at 09:00-16:00 EET Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science, Helsinki, Finland Online participation: for webinar address and instructions register at http://databasetransactionssummit2013.splashthat.com

SQL transaction training session 13th Feb 2013 in Málaga, Spain Datum


Beschreibung Zielgruppe

VET Teachers, VET trainers, HE students, ICT professonals

Öffentlich Öffentliche Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation


Zeitpunkt und Ort 13th February 2013, university of Málaga.



DBTech VET Teachers (DBTech VET) (2012-1-FI1-LEO05-09365)

Veranstaltungen DBTech VET Finland kick off 12th December 2012 at Helsinki Business College Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe

12.12.2012 DBTech VET Teacher project official kick off in Finland. We welcome all parties interested in SQL transactions and opportunities to enhance the cooperation between working life and education world.

Öffentlich Öffentliche Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation

To participate please contact: [emailprotected]

Zeitpunkt und Ort 12.12.2012 from 10am to 1pm at Helsinki Business College.



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