The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

POK IM.el Ettata ElZ :3.7cr.t:i BepubileAGuetti Er 8AUI Cisrti tor ftri ekunt John CASH FOR CLEAN LATE PERMaVErnhly7R'errtiera: efficiency apartment. Ckwe to PPSaai Pine not. HALF duplov' panel waQ fur-Jt'i tjk? NafU Avenue. THREE room" JrSrtfnenK ISO month. Including all utllltiei.

1828 West Monroe, Inquire Apartment 1. 7838. BACHELOR garage apartment, tunny. per month. Kncanto Park dUlrlct.

AL 3-4350. If-Finnft Rz-chss FOR least complete feeder setup-, In Grada-A Dairy Ir.rludlng tank. Pm feeding or me land, (nil Mr fredmore, at CR7-1458 or Dl'd-3377 Tctam base. Jennings R'-y Ainv, BltMiM ft) acre. 8RVWU.

39 Kti cotton but, (750 par acre. 100 arret FID water. 66 acre rot-inn base, cement dlich. (jj.OOO down. no acres.

acre cotton base, eon-crete ditch. RIO water plus own well. (650 per acre. 2V down. fvm aerei, 150 acre cotton allotment.


'54 Chevrolet $44.60 Dlx. 4 -dr. Very dean, Low ML '54 Ford $42.36 Custom 2 dr. KAH. Ukt new.

53 Ford 3-dr. Sed. $36.18 Radio and heater. '53 Plymouth $39.19 Suburban. Radio.

Vary clean. '52 Chevrolet Dlx. 4-dr. RAIL $35.73 Power gi Ids. Plymouth $34.60 4-door.

Radio and heater. Chevrolet $31.31 Frldar, ralvrtury 10, 1M4 41 3 1 -t 8(ri Cnup. pmrrfHt, fttHul. lailaMs -arKllaa miAm 1 Weill ttrftl at Hi. tori at llil -AKqrtiin8jyjrinjslrt.

40 ChrvlrT-iirv Rarikt rr. no money oown 4 per toe, likl e. in Burenv TlhirXAC-nour 4ir. run power and air eondlrloned. km mtletie.

WU1 trade. 27ul North Wk 6TW- '50 OldsmoUle "US" 4-door inryner vtinoanr 4-duor 0 Ruli'k A-Atw Sa LiQ '50 Chevrolet 4-donr ardaa 1333 Grand Ave. AL 1266 1949 FORD Custom tudor. Radio, heater, overdrive, white tires, snotllte. good mndltlon.

Clean. 462i PIU1 1 BILL BURNS (MWI I USU 1 8 (4 luuii Safety Scoped Used Cars If you are looking for quality, for the least amount of money, A completely re-eondltloned and tuaranteed. Don't over look use 1 1 S-P-E-C-I-A-L-S No Double Loans No High Finance Charges Good Thur Thru Saf Only SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DSALI IT'S Til '55 Buick Super $2395 4 Door. Stock 937 55 Ford Wag $2093 Stock 936 '55 Buick Hrdtp $2495 Special, stock 917 55 Buick Rdmst $2595 4 Dr. Sed.

Stock 766 '54 Buick Hrdtp $1895 Super. Stock 949 '54 Buick 2 Dr $1695 Special, Stock 947 54 Pont 2 Dr $1495 Chieftain Stock 920 '53 Buick Super $1395 4 Dr. Stock C806LA 53 Chev Convt $1095 Stock 759 53ChevClbCp $895 Stock 868 '53 Buick 4 Dr $1295 Special, Stock 941 '52 Buick 4 Dr $895 Special, Stock 61A 52 Stude 4 Dr $695 Sedan, Stock (16R '52 Hudson 4 Dr $695 Hornet, Stock S44R '51 Buick St Wag $895 Super, Stock 865B '51 Ford Convt $595 Stock 884 51 Buick Super $795 4 Dr. Stock 863RA '51 Stude ClbCp $495 Stock 684RA 51 Willys SWg $495 Stock 904R 50 Buick 4 Dr $595 Special, Stock 883RA '50 Buick Hrdtp' $595 Super, Stock 887 A $395 4 Stock 882R '49 Stude Convt $295 Champion, Stock 860RB 49 Plym Sedan $245 '46 Buick Super $195 Coupe, Stock 918A 41 Buick Sed. $110 Special, Stock 8S6A ALL '52 AND LATER BILL BURNSgSaIaNTEE BILL BURNS BUICK 1330 E.

Van Buren PHONE AL 8-7181 Open eveiningI 'TIL 10 P.M. Lowest Prices Low Cost Financing Easy Terms Written Guarantee '55 Ford 2 Dr. $1493 Light Blue finish, Heater, Seat Like Newt 54 Chev. 210 2 dr. $1095 Heater, Seat Dark green finish, wsw.

Excellent buy. '53 Plym. 4 Dr $795 Heater A Seat covert 53 Olds 2 dr 88 $1295 DELUXE WAGON SPECIALS We have In itock "52, '53. '54 A '55 Ranch Wagons, Country Squires, Country Sedans, A 8 passengers, straight shifts, overdrtvet A Fordomatlc transmissions. Some have radio and heater.

We have cut the price way down, especially on no-trade deals. I'ume la A make offer, you may buy one! Prices start at $119 '54 Chev. io-tPU $993 like new '54Ford 12-tFU $995 '53Fordi-tPU $895 53Ford3i-tPU $795 MADISON MOTORS 'THE" PHOENIX FORD DEALER 314 E. Van Buren AL 8-7559 MM 1 1 a a Cn. II r5 iMt.ts tuisj ti Apia.

Far Beat room, with or without arage. newly decorated, wattr ceta. fitawa by anoolnt. paid. lo peta.

ment! AL 8-8778. IS.Cltialeli4l Aawtaeratg IWI MIHIMI-A Far Ileal lllNUit. TheBest In Rentals call eucenia Henderson HERON'S TRS.JN ARB. REAL ESTATE 8-7008 XZ Rooms wk. up.

'ice 'I'lesl LOOM, null W. rq8t TWO bedrooms, completely fur. nlshed. Reasonablf.AM 6-2: i.M HtVEtY duplex. ilL 8-0012.

THREE rooms, furnished, H3T 818 North 6(h Street. AMBASSADOR HOTEL HEATED 'ooll ia.laiiHill KENl roMPtJrVr DAILYA Monthly Rstea 835 W. MARYLAND AVE. (Oft 7th Avenue PHONE AM 6-2423 APARTMENT. uUIuTei'." a 1 1 machine 1Yn West Monro.

"COMPQtELY furnished three bedroom, two bath, good mating and cooling, swimming pool In connection, eulet location. 71 West Portland. Inquire Apartment 101, West Portland. TOTEnTION "pensioner; 3ST1 North 9th Place. Efficiency, utilities paid S40.

Must call to see. CR4-5til to $15 week, utilities paid. 4400 Grand Avenue. "Tor the rental you need. caU PICKWICK REALTY AM R-478S rJH-N, ami Apartments.

rat ACHELSft" 45 UtlllUes paid See after week aayi. 1 west lay lor. LTRGE apartment. UtUltiet paid 311 North IKIh Avenue. 0 apartmenTTM month, paid.

1317 Eait polk. AL 3-130? alter BEAUTIFUL two room apart, ment, furnished. Reasonable, utlll tin mid. 1115 West Moreland. CLEAN apartment, (9 weekly.

aMunm Ave. THREE room furnished apart ment. $60, utllltiei paid. 3508 East Wllletta. ONE bedroom, newly decorated.

northeast. (50 monthly, on lease AL 4-1137, AL 4-1061. Broker. 8 ROOM apartment, near Central Weldon. AM 6-8527, SMALL duplex, utllltiei paid.

$35 month, uutt west Broadway, 6-0921j FUSSY FOLKS Ext. Ige. garbage dlsp. The Discriminating. 602 W.

Rous. Swirriming Pool On bedroom, ww carpet, beauti fully lumished. utilities paid, 860 A up monin. to East i-ugeiw jywww. "ONE bedroom.

Vv'aterrurnlshed. 305. Two nedroom, lumisnea. ater ana ngnia pam. sm.

smrj wesi Camel back Road. Inquire apartment 84. THREE room cottage, close In utilities furnished. (35 month, 835 worm Yin Avenue. THREE large rooms, (60.

utilities Paid. lSJ North, -stn riacc. DUPLEX, on bedroom. able. 38 East Mitchell Drive.

AM TWO room rear apartment, also light housekeeping rooms. 609 West Portland. MODERN, refrigerator, bath. $8 .50 week. 1603 West Washington.

WINTER visitors. Two room bachelor apartment. Completely furnished. But at door. 433 North 14th Street.

$45 A $50. CENTRAL A Camel back. 2 A 3 oak floors. 2 blks. to Central, Uptown Plaza stores, bus, St.

Francis. Redecorat ed. Laundry rm. 201 W. Cool Id ge.

Owner AM 6-2588 or 735 W. Cool- klge. "Le Plus Ultra" THE CADILLAC 128 Bdrm. Decorator turn, luxury units. TV-Ref.

air kitchen lnd lee. itlshwasher-autom. laundry. Golf at Nearby Phx. Country Oub By Appointment Referencet Rtq, linn THOMAS nr.

Any AL 8-4579. CR 4-0794 MODERN, refrigerator, bath. $12.50 week. 2146 East Monroe. VINTON MANOR APARTMENT HOTEL Swimming Pool-Dining Available Dally Seaton or Lease 3312 N.

CENTRAL AM 6-4473 Resort Living NEW Park Central Lanai Apartments AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION $103 Up 1 and 3 Bedrooms Furnished or unfurnished All have stovt, relrig. and carpeting. Plenty closet space Snack bar in Area. Heated Swimming Pools DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY 3139 North 7th Avenue Phone AM 6-9560 ONE bedroom. Arizona Country Club A Scotttdale area.

WH 5-5527. LOS OLIVOS LODGE Spacious Ground! Heated Pool Restful Atmosphere Studioi-Apti-Bungalowi Comp. Hotel Service Temporarily Fully Occupied Now Accepting Reservatinng For Mid February-March 202 E. MCDOWELL AL 8-6911 Heated Swimming Pool 30 Completely Furnished 80 studio at nearoomt New Furniture A Furnishing! Excellent Environment Biltwel Furnished Apts. 4301 N.

34th St. AM9-3180 5 1 bedroom apt. comn. rum. disnes, inveri ww carper hath, shower, awimmlna nool.

car port laundry, summer rates, week or month, EL MOLINO 2840 E. Adams. LOW RENTALS COUNTRY CLUB APTS. 3030 N. 7th St AM 6-2443 TURNEY SQUARE APTS.

301 W. Turney AM 6-3659 BEL-AIR APTS. 1701 N. 7Ui Ave. AL 3 0759 PATIO ROYALS APTS.

79 W. Portland AL 2-3675 TlIRE rooms, nicelv furnished. Furnace hear. Gas and water paid. 1343 East ueueview, PACT UArwill lMilm carport, storage, free washer.

(65 on lease, sjk 4-p; $8 WEE Prlvati East Washington. STOP! LOOK! ACT! No Charge to U. 500 Rentals. Open a.m.-; p.m. can or see Photos! Lovely little 1 BR, (50.

utll pd 20411, N. 40th St. "Good 1 BR for .155, utll 1002 W. Madison, "Carpeted roomy 1 BK garden apt. 1005 W.

McKlnley. 165. utll nd "Large 1 BR with laundry and carport, opposite Lonsview School, 1210 E. Indian School Road, $65 utll pd. "select i an lor oo, ri w.

Vernon. Sole and span well furn 2 BR, close In on McDowell, $90, utll pd. "Lavishly furn. new 1 BR RE FRIGERATED, close In NE, (110 lease, (125 3 mo, or (150 by mo. Jilitnns nigner.

NAEGLE PROPERTY SERVICES 711 N. 3rd Street AL 8-8505 THREE rooms, nicely furnished apartment. 2137 East Harvard. AL 3-4HH7. NT.WI.Y decorated abartments.

decorated: utilities furnished. 905 East Amelia. $80. 3'i rooms, permanent 1102 East Turney. TWO bedroom, $75.

5737 North 7th Street. CR 4-2608. TWO bedroom apartment; SS5 month, utilities Included. 4037 North 14th Street. MODERN, refrigerator, bath, wall hearer, vented Utilities furnished.

(13 week. 4201 North 3Uh avenue. $65. Neat 1 bdrm. near Thomas.

BRODERSfcN A LTX AM 6-3420. GARAGE apartment with nice screened porch overlooking citrus. $42 50, permanent, inquire 817 Eatt S-7SH3. TWO bedrooms, utilities furnished. (75.

1628 Weat Garfield, apply apartment I or phone CR 7-1750 anrr 3 p.m. CLEAN 1 bedroom suTOnle two, 845. Wattr paid. Kar, 10u Eatt ituoaeveih 1 ted AJL 7tn Baal ma, I baths. DrlcViuct cooling.

Iipe Included. Perfect loratlnn. Schools, ihoppmt. buses. Off 18th trcet.

Immediate Bosses- lion. 1319 Eait Harvard. 175 monin. wown tier 1 p.m. MODERireeHiedTwjrn.

central heating. Ideal locatkm. 1638 East Wllletta. To aee, call it notM ivrurnisncii FOR BKlfT WE HAVE RENTALS In all bracket! from T)0 to 1500 GROVE REALTY S02TN. 8t CR 4-6065 The Best In Rentals CALL EUGENIA HENDERSON HERON'S YRSJN ARIZ.

REAL XSTATE Ali 8-7d0i N. CtntraJ 143 50. TSSnWtirMcIkiweU. I I.KAN, unall cotuae. utllltiei paid.

Met yard. 4209 North '201 Street. cottage, modern, auli- ablt two, reaionaUe. Rancho Chi co. 13th Avenue, Hairline.

50.HTEAST 'Washing ton. no irf vnu itj cr CALL HSSEYRTY AL8-462J wen turn. 1 norm, cottage. iuu7 E. Polk.

Water nd. Perm, tenants. Xery reaionable.Evet,AL4-45771 CHAKMlNti dream house in ex elusive section near Scottsdale swimming pool, a bedronmi. completely, furnished. WH 8-6529.

ONE bedroom. QTU1 Vtt Cora. pan. All 2-7B64. With option to purchase.

CaU owner. BR 6-9U61. BR housea on aamt lof jut, nu logeiner. one oedromn and two' neiiroom. Partly furnished, (120.

1612 North 38th Avenue. TWOoedroom, wall-wall carpet newly decorated, furnished, mod- ern house. $85 month. 1533 East Flower. AM 8-fiino.

AM 6-9698. TWO hedroom. near Revnoldl. Au 3-yHJ. COTTAGE coie to bus.

135 moni n. al, b-umj. ONE bedroom house. carport, utiutlet iwlmmlnx pool. 1004 North 24th Street.

ONE bedroom, red brick, electric stove, $65. Utllltiei paid, 2124 West Washington. Maryland, clean one nedroom, wood Iloori, utllltiei paid, w. ALMOST1 new thre bedroom, fenced yard. northweaL 8039 North 29th Avenue.

COTTAGE about 11th Avenue 0T1 Baseline. See to appreciate. Ktu, ttox SKjj'hoenlx, Ti'i 1 ruml.kJ ill 1 suitable for offices or business. 58Cr North 7th Street. AM 6-5573.

LLtAN i room cabin, suitaDie two or three, ideal tor asthmatics PeU welcome. $22.50 month. Loca ted 1 mile north of Cactus on Cavt creex Koantnen 1 mile west. lODERN 2 bedroom, new Fenced yard. TV.

195 month. 2lg west Street. Glendale. TWCTBEDROOM $50 per month, water paid. CaU owner, BR 6-9051.

hit 3 IH Baths. St. Gregory PICKWICK REALTY AM 5-4785 5213 N. Central Yes Indeedy we've got the most ot the host for the least! REX GORDON 4518 N. Centraljtealtor AM6-94T2 TWObedroom.

glassed-in service porrn, centrally nested and cooled, 1216 East Fillmore. STOP! LOOK! ACT! No Charge to 500 Rentals. Open a.m. -a p.m. Call or see Photos.

"Roomy 5 BR close In NE, Nicely furn 2 BR in SUNNY- SLOPE. 75. "Roomy, well furn. 2 BR, 3641 IV. 30th Place, SN).

Snaclous 2 BR. Kenllworlh Dis trict, Jfl5. New. fenced. 3 BR, IH bath, NW.

$90. Beautifully carpeted and well furn. 2 BR. close tn. NW, $100.

Really choice fenced snlrAsnan 3 BR. bath. 1525 EPlnchot. 025. Extra well 2 BR, 2 nam A den.

with redwood fence, out SCOTTSDALE way. $125. or $175 abort term. nigner. NAEGLE PROPERTY SERVICES 7.11 N.

3rd Street AL 8-8505 5 Koont modem rouse, partly rurnisnea. $oo monin. uapitai Trailer Court 1007 South 19th Avenue AL 4-5962. THREE bedroont exceptionally clean, large kitchen, separate din ing room, narawooa noon, aoume garage, ose to letn street ana McDowell shopping. Lease.

1510 East Almerla, AM 6-3755. SMALL cottage, refrigerator. utilities paid, $30. No nets. 2230 Edgemere street.

A-a-3M. two oeoroom, oen. iv. oeep freezer, twin beds. Northwest, new district.

AL 4-1137, AL 4-1061. Bro- WeTHAVE2-3 Twdroom ants houses, with or without leases. We will be glad to use our gat to show you. Call or come in, QUICK SERVICE East West Realty Co. Inc.

REALTORS AL 25531 920N. 3rdSt. AL 35039 $47," water "paid. Inquire 2145 West VlrglnlaAL 4-1963. "TWO room cottage (35V 4308 North Longvlew.

I7-Unfurnished Apta. For Rent exc. wstove re- $70. POco*ck A SMITH, 1413 N. Central.

AL 8-3453. Unusual and different Spanish style apts. in a palm tree setting near new Kachlna grade srhooL 44th St. A Campbell. New and nice.

Attractive patios. One 2 bdrm. A 3 one bdrm. units. Lease only.

DANA NICHOLS REALTY lino E. Missouri CR 7-1471 Phoenician Apartments 4239 NORTH TTH STREET With Range, Refrigerator, Garbage Disposal and Ven. Blinds. Carports BE.OKUO.M3 178 S3 1 BEDROOM $69.95 PHONE CR 4-0183 BEAUTIFUL NEW PARK LEE-ALICE APARTMENTS 1 A 3 BEDROOMS AS LOW AS $67 17th AVENUE AND CAMELBACK ROAD LUXURY LIVING AT LOW COST BRAND new two bedroom duplex, 133 East Broadway, WO 7-2674, lempe. $60, 3 ROOMS, range.

TF5T dalre. 1102 East Turney. 1802 EAST Clarendon, two beff room, $65 month Plus utilities. In quire west door. DeTuxfriew refrigerated 3 bdrm.

apartment, TIPPIT A JAY RLTY. CR 4-2349 For the rental you need, call PICKWClf RFAI.TV AMS-47R5 STOP! LOOK! ACT! No Charge to U. 500 Rentals. Open 8 a.m. -a p.m.

can or see photos; Nice 1 BR cottage. St. Agnes. Dlst, $40. "Really deluxe 1 BR bungalow by 16th A Thomas.

$65 2 BR. Madison No. 1. S70. Soot.

less, 2 BR, stove A ref, Encanto- west High Oist, iiva. NAEGLE PROPERTY SERVICES 711 N. 3rd Street AL8-8503 3 ROOM apt. Stove, refrigerator. water, (47.50.

1117 North 24th Street. CLEAN 2 Bedroom Apartment. aio East Monte vista. BEaUtTFOL. three room.

In new triplex, $62.50. 717 West Fillmore. NEW, one bedroom duplex. Stove, refrigerator. 514 East Culver.

HrtElJTiOOHs, attractive. Close to school, gooa lor cnudren. AIVI TWO bedroom near school, shop ping. Reasonable, Call WH 5-0482. jusi comoetea una oeoroom.

stove, refrigerator, beamed ceiling, lots of extras, shopping, transportation. Near North High. Good Samaritan Hospital. 2242 North Richland. Apt.

2. apartment. Stove ana mrngerator. AM THREE rooms, stove ana refrli. erator.

a a 1 1 a 1 March 1st A-M 0-3 1 13 COLORED. Three room apart- menu, $25 month. 4221 South 21st Place. See Mr. Eagle, Apartment l-E.

NEW two bedroom. Stove. Re- frtterator. 3610 North 27th Street A-Yl b- PLENTY OF "RANGE" FOR KIDS TO ROAM You'll agree that your children will be at home on the range'' when you see our spacious, airy grounds plus an enclosed play for utmost privacy, each duplex apta are spacious too and for utmost privacy, each duplex la on an Individual lot you alto get complete lawn rare, blinds Only $60 monthly, no lease It necessary 1 WESTWARD HOMES AJTS. 35th Avenue And Westward Blvd.

AP 8-8381 $4 K6VTH. waier small hpusa. clean, large yard. East man awii ajs 40 AL 75 at a fSFF1? 4 h.ouw- PrW ari24T. tor 2 or bdrm, N.E.

or N.W. mime, worm an.uu. P. R. CL'ffV ftPllU NhJtRSJ.or "ALa-Wu 4 ROOM home, bath, shade treea.

no wen. kit siLion TnE i-- dlananolla nmMrtv'Rii k.iu it.a Street. FULL PRICETJSWH And worth U. Equity m. Thli i 'if nom naa many extras.

It a Dot for title. nh in our equity for larger noma. If mo. Payment! are not over 115. May go at hliih as $17,500 If real amall buy outrltit.

TIILL, REALTOR. CR re clear, trad for outiv "iree omrnom, camel back dla- 1 3 -Real Estate Waste We need your home N.E. or N.W. to uuv u'i irnnerfl or Hell Outright. LARSON REALTY Van Burcn BR K-? aeu i raae your specializing In tradee.

WHEELER s.f N. 7th Ave. AL 3-0SJ8 tr quick lalt ealTfTT-TftST-i9jy-JXw INVESTMENT "NEETTTayion. Oak Cfeek ar.d Utlng. Prltchard Rlty, 2.160 EVan Buren.

AL 3-9477 Buyeri walling 4 RW1, CR 4-S621 $105 toisoo eipeclally imall acreage. Will give prompt nervlre. Weatward Realty, 21.10 Weatward Blvd. At 8-4126. WANT vacant approximately TSf fLJkL 3.419?"' N'0t mn Pr About 1 acre with or without home, joned commercial.

Is.E. or N.W, LARSON REALTY 3041 E. Van Buren BR 8-2600 WE h. bdrm. homea furn.

or cen- irai neai. near ik0 sam. Hoip. Alio 3 Hi bath brick in St. Oresory ch.

diiL A.B.C. Realty. AL2-M71, Do you really want to icll? We need llatlnga A have to tell or trade-hornet, duplex, land, loU, N. Ilde. inn nr lev dpiitv 6326 N.

7th St. CR 4-7956 HAVfi Active buyert for farme. Need your llitlnns. BOYD JOHNSON. REALTOR 1447 E.

McDowell AL 8-6444 WE NEED trailer" courti. commercial A Industrial property acreage. Call Harry Stanley. CR Dean S. Davidsiii.

RltcAL 8-7431. WE jseed 3 bdrms. homea NE. Buyeri waiting. Call EMPIRE RLTY.

727 E. McDowell. AL 8-6057 HOMES WANTED TO SELL 1n a HURRY call ua today it we list tt, we win sell 111 WEBB CLARK 400 W. hid. Sch.

AM 6-4489 1 4-Wan ted To Rent Bizness Is Eoomin' and we need your llstlngl REX GORDON 4518 N. Central Realtor AM 6-9472 Rentals Our Specialty! EUGENIA HENDERSON HERON'S- 40 YRS. IN ARIZ. REAL ESTATE 25 N. Central AL 8-7008 UNFURNISHED three bedroom with acre or more Will take five year iise.

fiot over va monin. Will buy on option. Mutt be nice. SK 7-JH3. We Need Listings PICKWICK REALTY AM 5-4785 5213 N.

Central Your Lou 11HELP US1I The List with Largest Rental Dmn.Hu U.m,MiMnl Irm THl-E IS NO SUBSTITUTE i'OR YF.ARS of Experience! I THOUSANDS ot tatlsfted owners ana cusiomeri, wno sena a steady stream ol more rtnttri to usl Get Quick Satisfying Results! bv nut tine our experienced itaff of over 30 to work or you! NAEGLE PROPEKTX SERVICES 711 3rd St. AL. 8-8505 WE CAN RENT IT We are flooded with rental calls GROVE REALTY 3027 N. 16th St. CR 4-6065 WE have a waltlnff list of neo- ple wanting to rent.

Bishop Realty, AM B-K1J1I. RENTAL broker needs furn. rentals any size. We get quick results. Phone AL 2-0371.

936 E. Van Buren. PERMANENT family of three needs two or three bedroom unfurnished house In Kenllworth school district. Will lease or lease with option to buy. Not over $80 month.

all two nedroom apartment or house Northwest or west. Write Box 79-E. Republic and Gazette. WANTED Office Space aODroxf- mately 700 sq, ft. AL 2-4597.

Your Listing Wanted with option to buy, lease or month to monin. WHAT HAVE YOU? East West Realty Co. Inc. REALTORS AL 25531 920 N. 3rd St.

AL 35039 I5-Unfurnished Houses For Heat The Best In Rentals CALL EUGENIA HENDERSON HERON'S 40 YRS IN ARE. REAL ESTATE AT O--7I1O0 fair, kt 2621 North one bedroom duplex. Water paid, tile ihower In kitchen. "fjN hedroom, partly furnished. 739 North 12th Avenue, 3 BR.

den. 2 baths, carpet, 2 BR. near North High. PICKWICK REALTY AM 5-4785 5213 N. Central TWO bedroom adobe, redecorated and small adjoining apartment.

All for $65. Northeast section. Children welcome. BR 5-1670. THREE bedroom.

1 bath. Close to school, bus, shopping center. Irri gation water turnisnea. 3 monin, TWO" bedroom home In North High district, central heating and cooling. Stove, kitchen set, and washer furnished.

Inquire 2534 North Evergreen or call CR 4-2412, 3 BEDHOOM house, part fur nlshed. $60. 3724 West Cypress. Af -J30. $50.

TWO bedrooms. Large older nouse. partly rurnisnea, nas piano. Madison School district 4200 North mm street Phone owner, AM 6-8578. BEAUTIFUL three bedroom, two baths.

Northeast, Lovely area. $100 monin. wo t-sunn. STOP! LOOK! ACT! No Chan, tn II. 500 Rentals Onen 8 a.m.

-9 p.m. Call or see Photos I Dandv new 2 BR. itove A 3001 MrKlnsey, furnished 2 BR, toward SCOTTSDALE, (70. "3 BR by Davy Crockett Scbool, $70. "Large BR, close In NE.

$70. "New 3 BR, bath, 8245 N. 31st Avenue, vs. Nice new 3 BR. Monte- clto, S9U.

"Room: iv new 3 BR. bath, hv West Hlal h. $95. Charm irm 3 BR. 2 bath, with carpeting.

ti. ui.h rK linn peallng 3 BR and den, St. Francis- ti rtt, ik iir. iaL mLtu, i ire- ous new 3 BR, bath, out NE. $125 lease, or buy $800 and linoo down! NAEGLE PROPERTY SERVICES 711 3rd StreetAL 3-8505 LEASE WITH Ori'lON Lge.

new 3 BR. bath. Top location NE. $125 mo. Lge.

3 BR brick duplex, central heating A cooling. $80 water A lawn service paid. B1LTMQRE REALTY 3034 N. 24 St. CR 4-0715.

AM 5-8185 TWO hedroom. newly decorated. Park Central. (60. 2929 North 1st Avenue.

3 BR. 1640 E. Thomas. $80 mo. Also suitable for office or hrgne work.

ODEN CR 4-4131. TWO bedroom. 24th Drive and Glendale Avenue. SMAL.L 2 oearoom. -wo, waier paid.

dUD! dale School district WH 5-8642. TWO bedroom house on one acre. $65 month. Call BR tGie. and 2 bed- mom newly redecorated.

3551 East McDowell. X35 ONE bedroom duplex. Wood floors, garage. 1809 North Mitchell street. Mear coronaao rarg.

BR 5-3738. DUPLE3T Two bed room, lawn work and water furnished, tile bath and Kltcncn. ait East witcneu ut. WE HAVE 1-2-3 bedroom apti A houses, with or without leases. We win be glad to use our gat to now you.

tan or come in. QUICK SERVICE! East West Realty Co. Inc. PFit.TORS AL 25531 820 N. 3rdSt AL 35039 3 BEDROOMS.

2 bathe, base ment. 2 car garage, CJose 7a. A a-iuB. 40 ub Sedan. Light tan (lea in on nv ear.

anal apt Only 11: DTF.PHKNIt ifOTORS Ulaftctltwl Nash Statesman Fordor. radio, heater, overdrive. 828 monthly. No money down. ABC Motors, 1130 -i run 14A4 Savoy Deluxe Club Coupe.

Radio Heater Only (12W, extra tine conauwa SI EPHENS MOTORS 1150 vi' van Buren 1951 CADl "C2" 4 Door. Beautiful Jet Black finish, pully equipped. Traded In local doctor on a New DeSoto. A wonderful buy at only Jiw. STEPHENS MOTORS Van Buren AL 4-1935 '50 BCrCnTSpes-ial or Super.

A llfttvltnn mm Cnnvar, tlble. Your choice. No money down only $.15 per mo. 1212 E. Van nuren uir.

We have 4 very clean '51 Wlym outhi traded In on New Cars. All mon! tmiy TS, ST.I'HKV MOTOR. XlMJVanBureri ACJ-JM3 '55 Chryslers Five of them at huge savings! Low mileage beauties! See and drive them at AL'S MOTOR SALES Mesa Chrysler-Plymouth International Truck Dealer 33 W. Mam WO 4-4503 1949 FORD VS elub coupe, over. drive, radio, heater, $395.

Home town Moiort 13oO E. Van Buren '56 CHEVY V-8. 210 four door large neater, tinted glass, power glide, oil filter. Private owner, must sell. Paid $2785, will lake nisi.

tail av 4-W23. QTm5rr)odge vale owner. Small down, small balance, amall payments. 1629 East van. Buren, IN GLENDALE '54 Pont Skychief $1695 Custom Catallna 141A.

Hvdram. W. tlret Two tone ptlnt '53 Pontiac Cstm $1395 Catallna. W.W. tlret.

Hydram. 3 tone. 52 Willy $495j $695 Sedan. OD '52 Chev. sedan Radio-Heater Several Good Transportation Can still available with NO MONEY DOWN.

MECHAM PONTIAC 545 SE Grand. Glendl, YE 7-8372 Tl II 8' $5'S $1 1956 PLATES ON EVERY CAR SOLD BEFORE FEB. 16TH PLUS 100 fo Mechanical Guarantee (On '52 Modeli or Later We pay the ENTIRE bill in the event of ANY Mechanical 55 Ford Wagon $1995 Radio. Heater, Overdrive and tu-tont finish '55 Ford 4-door $1495 Heater. Overdrive and low mileage 55 Mercury 4-dr.

$2395 MONTEREY Full power, lest than 10.000 miles. 55 Ford 2-door $1895 FAIRI.ANE Tu-tone, Radio. Heater, Ford-O-Matlc 54 Chev. 2-door $1095 Heater; very clean 54 Ford Wagon $1595 4-DOOR COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, Heater, Ford-O-Matlc $1995 Radio. Heater.

Merc-O-Matlc and full power '54 Ford 2-door $1195 Customline with Radio. Heater. Overdrive 53-Chev. Club 995 Clean with tu-tone finish. Radio and Heater '53 Ford Victoria $1295 Radio.

Heater. Ford-O-Matlc 14) to Choose From I 53 Buick hdtop $1495 Perfect and has Radio. Heater, Dynaflow 52 Chev. 4-door 895 Slylellne Deluxe Sedan with Radio and Heater '52 Plym. Suburb.

895 Very clean; Radio A Heater WE HAVE ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE USED CAR SELECTIONS YOU'LL FIND ANYWHERE READ MULLAN MOTOR CO. 239 E. VAN BUREN Phont AL 8-0333 1946 Ford club coupe, real clean. Smalt down A we carry our own contracts. Kaoole Kara.

Cor. 22nd St A E. Washtnzlon. 1947 Frazier, ven? nice Must sell. 175.

l'J46 East Washington. BEL-AIRE MOTORS West-End Specials! NO MONEY DOWN! Immediate Delivery! 48 Ford V-8 4-dr. $299 49 Pont. Conv't. $299 47 DeSoto 4-door $179 '50 Chev 4-door $399 '51 Olds.

88 4-dr. $799 '50 Buick Conv't $599 50 Olds 98 Conv't. $599 '51 Huds Commad'r $499 51 Ford V-8 4-dr. $599 53 Chev. 210 Clb.

$899 54 Ford Clb Cpe $1099 MANY, MANY MORE! BEL-ALRE MOTORS A Subsidiary. West Way Motors 1149 East Van Buren (380. tuv van Buren. finish. Perfect UFF I HI .1 "Arizona Largest Ford Dealer" imi I im ha ,851 'j'jl Ii50 MODEL CARS Paid (or or Dot, Come in and trade down.

PACKARD PHOENIX MOTOR CO 1200 E. VAN BUREN "PICKUPS WANTETT ANY STATE PAID FOR OR NOT 18th Ave. iTw.Van Buren AUMOiV CCXSwahted" lor aalerCasfi on consigned basis. Maricopa Equipment .1.103 Cltndalt Glendale VKT-9288. NEW CAR SALESMEN Sell vour trade lo SWKOETS USED CARS 1.M8 Van Rurrn CASH FOR CLEAN CARS LONNIE 920 Orand Ave.

to "Sll. GREGORY 1520 GRAND AVE. 9l FOB alBHUIiilatlie. AIJI TSrirpCTBWffi Deluxe Cranbronk 4 Dorir tjsntirook 4 Door sedan. Light green radio, nreu finish.

Equipped with and overdrlva. x- csuens conniuon. STEPHENS MOTORS UW E. Van Buren. Atd lH tlli Mi iOUSTAlSTfiOYS HAVE JEEPS FORNEW USED CARS SEE Dana Bros, iempe 1954 CTevtatlqnWagon rowergiiae, neater, etc, roctl Si.v GEORGE NADER MOTOR SALES 1)00 Arliona YO 34058 Chandler nafcHEVROTET.

four door, de-luxt. ont owner, 18,000 miles. AL 4-l 1949 FORD convertible. Radio, heater. Excellent motor, good Urea.

New anowshoe white paint lob. New teat covert, new top. Thli car really In good condition for (445. Can be financed. W1U accept cheaper car In trade.

CR 4-8085. J336 Eait Maryland. FREE equity." pay balance. 1955 Chevy. 210 Fordor, radio, heater, $18 weekly.

No money down, ABC Motors, iiao is. van Huren. 50 excel- teat covert $729 iniu v. -r uv.iii, MARICOPA EQUIPMENT CO. 1303 E.

Glendale, Glndle. YE 7-9288 5V tit (S s.w5.$ jssssssssj (JWM5M AVENUE MOTORS (YOUft VOLUME DEALER) WHY CHASE Fast Turn over Stock Absolutely Guarantees You Better Cars At Lower Prices! NO MONEY DOWN 599 '50ChevBelAir 399 '49ChevDlxPU' 899 '53 Chev 4-door 199 '49BuickClub $1699 '55NashStaWg 599 '51FordVict'a $1099 '53 Buick Super 599 '52 Plym 4-door 999 53 Ford 4-door 399 '50 Pont 4-door 899 '53 Chev Dlx Sd 299 '49 Merc. Club 399 '50PlymDlx2-dr 499 '50 Olds 88 4-dr 799 '51 Buick Super $1799 '54 01ds88Hdy 499 '50 Pont Dlx 4-dr $1299 '54 Plym Suburb. 999 '54 Plym 2-door $1199 54FordV8 2-dr 99 '47 Chev 2-door 999 '53 Nash 2-door 499 '50 DeSoto Club 599 '52 Buick 4-door $1799 '55 Chev V8 4-dr 499 '52 Stude Convt 5th AVENUE MOTORS (YOUR VOLUME DEALER) 5th Ave. Van Buren AL8-S528 "MONEY BAGS" OFFERS Any Make or Model 1956 CARS AND TRUCKS I Our '56 can are ABSOLUTELY FACTORY FRESH, hauled In by transport, and carry a full NATIONWIDE GUARANTEE for 90 days or 4,000 miles.

Down payments ONLY 10, with a full 30 MONTHS to pay the bal. No red tape, cars available for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, and the LOWEST finance rates In Phoenix I '56 Chevrolet $1995 V-8 SEDAN Heater, Directional signals. Beautiful Chartreuse finish with matched Interior. Absolutely FACTORY FRESH. Brought In By transport.

ONLY 10 down 30 months to pay I '56 Chevrolet $2495 STATION WAGON 4 door Townsman. Radio, heater, V-8, white wall tirea, tutone Polar white over Pale Blue finish. Absolutely FACTORY FRESH, brought In by transport. ONLY 10 down 30 months to pay I 52 Pontiac 795 "CHIEFTAIN" Deluxt 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, Hydramatlc.

seat coven. Original finish. A one owner carl NO MONEY DOWNI '49 Plymouth 395 SUBURBAN Radio, heater. In excellent condition K-L-E-I-N MOTOR SALES Factory AUTHORIZED NEW CAR Distributor for HUDSON-RAMBLER 1201 N. CENTRAL Phone AL 8-7834 '31 rrsier Mnhtn.

No money down. (2B5 ROYALS MOTOR 1 If BS I MM TM $. $.1 it $1 p.t$$$ $-1 i $1 Ins is iu (i A by 11 TV A 1949 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan $.195. Home Town Motors, 1350 E. Van Buren.

ATTRACTIVE, Bedroom apartment. Reasonable. (01 North avenue. 364 mun lurnlshM. Sou month.

In, eludes water, AL 8-1370. VERY clean three mora and shower eoltaae. 6ieenlnv room. (ntleman, 8(19 Weit McKlnley. li.w f.Asr orui, une oearoom, monin tyi-tem.

Washing facilities, Yard. qose.ihoppln.M 6 i ONE bedroom apartment. In trl- plex. utlllllet furnished, suitable two. quiet neighborhood.

(65. 1738 -MLititnrat- I9-Furn. Rooms 18 week' A up. 43 MthAJ $11 PEK WEEK maid terv.t shufflehoard A reading room for aueiis. il Cerrlto Hotel.

713 N. Cent ral STATE HOTEL DOWNTOWN Reasonable rates TV mnm CerrtneaUna. 135 NJstAs-e. SMOfenroe. ou isiue entrance, private bath, heat, garage.

References, employed 24. East Mortltnd. CLOSE IN. Men Preferred. 17 A IS ilAY Jo share lovelybome witn tame.

uooKing pnvueges. uote to but. CR 4 8880. CFfTRAX heal, T-V, J7.50 weeV. ent leman, AL 8-0382.

NICE room. AM 6-2647, after 7 p.m. an nay. PRIVATE room and bath, outside entrance, close to transportation. 32B Virginia Circle.

CR 7-1202. PhneR-98t5T I'ALuMS iiuiLU au n. jna St. Cent heat; parking; reason, rates. ATTRACTIVE guest house.

By djv or tree. NKAK cameibark and Central for employed gentleman. Private entrance. CR7-1824. SMALL apartmenTJ wafflj em-ployed lady.

389 Eait Palm Lane. 20-Housekceplng Roems S15 South Avenue. "TWO rooms, refrigerator. Utllltiei paid. $25 monthly.

2060 Grand Ave. completely furnished, dote In. 803 East Van Buren. CLEXfT! comfortable, kitchen. bedroom and bath.

Reasonable. (12 pnn ia street. al3-oop6. SINGLE, refrigerator, Private entrance. $30 month.

2222 West Washington. 2 1 -Room and Board CHILD rare In registered home, large fenced yard, full time care. Ii2 wecKiy, la unary inciuuea. AM 8-1261. THU Prlvei Good Food, Homelike atmosphere, Rgas 834 N.

2nd Ave. AL 8-9026 TWENTY-FOUR hour nursing care, center or citrus grove, teie-yjsionjai 4-9443. AGEDi convalescent, bed patients, 24 hour nurslngj close inL 3-2592. THE CALIFORNIA INN Large crowd young people, friendly amosphereeao N6thAv AL89198 AGED, convalescent, orbed patients. CR 4-8291, 4701 North 7lh Avenue.

AM 6-5501 R7 desires room ana board, private home. Box 43-G, Republic and Gazette. LUE LYlad les. AL. 3-3388.

ELDERLY gentleman only, orl- vateinome. al -iuoi RE I man. permanent. wan la room and board In private home. Pay according to Prefer between Roosevelt and Indian School.

Box 87-E. Rt- publlc and Gazette. 23-Trailer Space Fie Beat $13 up, 77 space Gold Star Court. uooo snade. bus at goor.

i Trailer Park. 3211 W. Va Buren, MiSIern Tralleri 15 4 Month" Montezuma 1890 E. Van Buren 25-Land For Rent SCOTTSDALE. 10 acres close In, Rent, pasture or share crop.

In quire BR 8-3150, 26-Stores-Offices Fee Kent STORES OFFICES We nave aevVal locations on McDowell. Also N. 16th St be tween McDowell A Thomas. Lots ol iavea parking. Reasonable rents )ean S.

Davidson. AL8-743L SPLENDID! DOWNTOWN STORE ROOM A srv tiv irA 1 ViUUV CNi 4T 1st Ave. AM 5-5384 1S3N. STORE and office for lease. 1409-14U West Indian School.

LOCATIONS! Offices, stores, warehouseg CALL MARTIN JACOBS EBEN LANE, Realtor SINCE 1913 1025 N. Central AL 4-3128 W. CAMELBACK lot 48x122. Lease or will build to suit. AM69282 324 TE Taylor.

ZonedC-2. 12 rooms. 3 baths. 1100 a mo. on lease.

Jack Blaine, AL 3-2095. sTORlTfor lease, downtowhlb- catlon, new building, refrigerated. 32 North 1st Avenue, AL 4-0762 N. 7THAve. In Melrose snopping area, private iront park- Lit 4-i a).

ves, at sun. Li921 LEASE or rent new 20x60 build- ing. 4116 North 36th Street. Acrosi from shoDnlng center EXTRA desk space, answering service optional, also separate oi lice. tto Nortn itn street.

8375 warehouse or manufacturing apace. 6250 square feet available now, 3125 square feet available 6 months from now. Will lease togetner or separately, u. moore-At. 4-1 111.

SMALL furn. apartment A shoo suitable any small feislness. Rear or 26U6 E. Mcuoweu. (oo per mo, C-2 ZONING.

2 room olflce or store. Also 16x68 store bldg. both In 2400 blk. E. Indian School.

Owner tiA.liu knit a.OAnn central, corner ol Coolldge. Rent JHU. tit t-43IB. OFFICSPACE aoorox. 100 ft.

2914 N. CENTRAL AVE. $150 mo. on lease. AP 3-6745.

OFFICES Exceptional, from $20T Answering service, apace. 32 Weat Jellersnn. 3311 N. CENTRAL 800 SQ, $225 PER MO. 1400 SO.

$400 PER MO. Incl. janitor, heat A light very attractive, 336 W. Rooms, Rooms and More Roomi. NAEGLE PROPERTY SERVICE 711 N.

3rd Street AL 8-8505 ONE STORE -xMJlOO MO. Also 2 small offices. Off-street paved parking. Owner. AL 4-7682.

AM EAST VAN BUREN, 1221. Store. 15X30. clean. AL 4-4657.

Commercial Realtors Leasing all types ot shop- Bint renter, business and in dustrial buildings Will build tn suit" you on lease basis GRACE A GRACE REAL TORS. 808 N. CENTRAL AL 8-6758. EVe. AM 5-4411.

RETAIL RUSiNESS 1 LOCATION 3.200 tq. ft building. Large parking space. 2140 GrandAve. .24" WEST DunTap.

AM55896. $85. 27-For Rent Mlteellaaeoat A RACE for renlSuTtab(efor atorage. AL 3-2442, 916 East More- land. REFRIGERATORS, wa intra, AL 3-B617.

iiii rr irs. earn unea bancuet tables AL 8-347? Jloan's JnjfrJlJtnrtgeyo PRIVATE party wants to rent garage for car storage, al, e-tr-yj 30-Wanted AUTOS TRUCKS HOWDY PARDNER WANNA SELL YOUR CART Want Any Make Or Model Loral Or Out Of State Paid For Or Not Porter's Used Cars 18th A A VanBuren AL8-1004 The highest price paid for auiomobilea end truck. CARL HOBE 143 E. Van Burea Cash Cars ncKups JERRY DAVIS 1333 Grand Avt. ROY JONES MEEDS CLEAN AUTOMOBILES: 1634 E.

VAN.EUKEN or It tall AL 3-2196 Eva. AL 1-2349! Collins Haggard RJty. ADAMS HOTEL SECLUDED MTN CATTBflfXNCH Mile high, near Phx. 65 A. deeded.

70 teclion ttate lease. 250 eowe A their calve uvrl. (xmpletely eonrf bide, sarin, rreek. WnitlH make terrific dude ranch, hunting lungr. eic.

Aiaing ei terms, DAVIS REALTY, AL 4-3300. 820 acre fine land, splendid location, only $.15 an Ac. TWa la one tit last chance to art land like SKAOGjs" RLTY, INV, AL 3-7887. AC Lvei lann, 2 went $M). Ac.

(JO Ac, Level Land, Well, $40. Ac. A 40654 Or AL4U195-143 W. Mad. Cattle Ranch Xlght here In the valley, First time ever offered goes Lock, atork.

A barrel Including approx. irmo head of cuttle, horse, registered bulla A residences. Potential subdl-vlilon land on paved mad. Substan tial down payment required, on Agent, i Pel I Moi gent, al. b-huu or avt, CK 4-VUO.

nte Co. Mr. Agriculturalist 5W Acre cotton A dairy farm, fully equipped to farm. 87 A. cotton.

140 A. alfalfa. fiS A. barley. Lovely large home tn Chandler dlatrlct.

We believe you can maka money here. Th prlct and termi art fair. 1440 ACRES In Queen Creek Area. Thli la good will. 382 A.

thort ample, and 40 A. Pima. A large cattle feeding operation. Prlct and tarma right 100 ACRES ELOY BWH A. of cotton, Owner aaya "There la $50,1100 worth of farmhg machln-try that goea." J90.0UO will handle thli.

Call Mrt. I be 1 1 AL Mr. Scroggi, CR 4-17W or AL 8-2663. 1st Mortgage Inv. Co.

Of Arizona 1103 N. CENTRAL ACREAGE la Our Active Field Farms Industrial Subdivisions WE OFFER BEST IN SERVICE" TW BOTH SKLLEK BUYKK WE NEED YOUR LISTINC.S Boyd Johnson, Realtor Over 30 yn. In tht lnad business E. McDowell AL o-644-l HARQUAHALA Aerenffe fop Onlck Knte. Broker, 2230 N.

16th A 8-0436 68 ACRES, northwest, A-l wa ter right, flrtt claaa improvement! with irrigation. Jl, 200 per acre. 1. AL 4-1137, AL 4-1061, pro Her. 1 1 A-Real Estate Arluna Ttwu PAYS0N, ARIZ.

360 acrea facing Betlint Hlway, Tom Rldgeway Realty, 1051 E. Indian School, cm BOsiNESS'property wIUi 7-room home, ate. Reajonablt. Write 117 weit rnoemx Avenue, yiagitatr. NOTICirbF PROPOSAL TO SELL REAL PROPERTY NOTICE It hereby given that THE CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COM' FAN! propoaea to leil.

unit, all that certain real property comprising approximately 3500 acrea ot land, and Uie improvement! thereon, located approximately twenty-four (24) mllea north of Pmcott, Arizona, commonly known ai tht Del Rio Ranch, upon and aubject to the conditions, reserv ation! and exceptions aet forth In that certain "Propoial to Sell Real Property" lnued by laid Company on January lbui, 1956. Sealed hid in wrltlna. tinder and according to the terms and provision! of laid Proposal, must be deposited with Guarantee 1 mt ana Trust Company, prescotl, Arizona, not later Uian April 4, 1956. at 10 o'clock A.M. Information regarding aald Proposal may be obtained by Interested partlea upon request of C.

O. Bunce, General Freight and Passenger Agent, The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ft Railway company, at rnoenix, Arizona. Dated: January 16th, 1956. 1HE l.AL,irUKINlA AKIZUA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY By D. Shelton Itg Vice President 'I I Baal C.ll.

Out of II I B'ncai bSiaiC Arliona "TXNXDXTT73i "acres "ainiTP a-oie, improved, good well. 35 bu nela' wheat per acre 1955. Age reason for telling. $65,000 cash. W.

K. Bishop. Hatch Apartments. rnlle west of Apache Junction. Jtoute 2.

Box 684-A, Mean i4Dl Cll "ale fc-ncai i.aiai6 Exehaage want lo trade properties? Call Ace Keaity 4131 16 St. AM66131 IF vnu Wlitt tn traHe in nut Of Itate, aee Grten. Realty 1747 van curen, Aua-ivau. sellTtrade- YOUR PROPERTY Can ED POST REALTY AL 4-7173 TRADE my 810,000 equity in five unit apartment house lor clear two or three bedroom home In city. Fib 3-1737 after, iWTWrTB-Xnfflrm.

Sen. BU. batht. Citrus. Walled yard.

Will trade dn 126 E. Maryland. TWO MISSOURI FARMS FOR TRADE Near Missouri River will trad for Phoenix Income property, PALMS REALTY CO. J821N. Central AM61562, AM53614 TRADE equity In 3 bdrm.

N. W. for 3 bdrm. N.E. Also equity In 2 bdrm.

N.E. for 3 bdrm N.W. Agt. 43-3773 or BR B-4038. TWO PHoenlx business lots and two R-4 lots clear.

Take Income or good paper. Broker. 2230 North imn street. A CALIFORNIA Arizona exchanges. Broker.

2230 North 16Ut Street. A Li Nice 3 Bdrm. home. 7015 N. 24 Ave 3 raae lor i Bdrm.

In city. p-jjp (80 mo. plut 3 bdrm home for owner. Completely furnished. Zoned for extra duplex.

On 24th St. 1 blk. from St. Agnes. Sell or take trailer in trade.

WU13U.S 8041 Van Bu LARSON REALTY Buren BK 8 auitv In furnished two bedroom home for car or Bit 6-aiia. SIIEflLEY'S TRADING CENTER Some 500 Selections LOCAL IN A OUT OF STATE HOMES DUPLEXES APARTMENTS MOTELS TRAILER COURTS LOTS BUSINESSES ACREAGES STORE BUILDINGS TRAILERS The Trade Maker for over 30 Years SHERLEY'S TRADING CENTER AL 2-4447 Realtors 1324 Grand THREE bedroom. Westwood Estates. Trade for desert una AM 6-7687. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OWN- ER'S TRANSFER, 3 bedroom, large 10x42' back porch for outdoor llvlne Rlnrk wall around back yard, hedge enclosea front.

Many extrag. Only $9,950, or trade for home In or near Yuma. 2928 Eait IOTL." attractive. weU birilt 17 units with fine Income, full price $83,000, equity $48,000. Trade open In or out of state.

Owner, 0 7-3597. APfW "Kv owner, aril or trade. Two bedroom wire cut brick. Fully tiled bath. Redwood garage ana reawood fence In bar, irge severed patio.

Inside city. Payment! SP5 Includes everything. 3941 East Mulberry, AM 5-7438. WANTTtarge one bedroom frailer. or later to apply on equity two fcedroora home.

Nortnaaat. W138879. Dlx. 4 dr. Radio and heater.

'50 Pontiac $31.83 4-door del. Radio and heater. '49 Chevrolet $28.63 Dlx. 4-dr. Radio and beater.

"53 Chevrolet $36.47 Dlx 4-dr. Original. Tu-tont. '53 Pontiac $37.44 2-door. Radio and heater.

'55 Chevrolet $63.10 radio, heater, Powtrglldt These Payments figured on basis of required down payment, trade or cash. MOST ANY MAKE AND MODEL TO CHOOSE FROM QUEBEDEAUX CHEVROLET 750 Grand Avenue AL IWtW" SSI? $. (V Wl h. (w J5 $1 1 a I ill i i I F. Today's Special SHARPEST A BEST 1958 Doclgt V-8 Royal Lancer In town, tow mileage, like new, has Power Brakes, Set tt A drive It! YOU'VE NOTHING TO F1AX WHEN YOU DEAL ED SPEAR 2nd Ave.

and Van Buren 324 N. 1st Ave. 915 N. Central JEWELS by DARNER In the car business there era several pet names for tht outstanding used car, These are four very hl-quality "CREAM-PUFFS" 54 PLYMOUTH BLV'DERE (1495 Low. low mileage.

Radio, heater, overdrive, better than most '55'i being offered for sale. Ownera name tnd lervlct record on request. '50 CADILLAC 4 DR (1495 lean, one owner, new soft white nalnt. Interior Immaculate, look and set. 53 PLYMOUTH CLUB 81195 Overdrive, heater.

Cran-hrook series, less than .15,000 miles, new car trade In. owner's name available, of course. '55 PLYMOUTH SAVOY $1899 Sure our price Isn't the lowest. This one Is for the Quality buyer, automatic transmission, radio, heater, tutone nalnt (greenl. 4 door with only 13,000 milei.

"We know their past We guarantee their luturt" Darner Motor Sales ofin tfl. PI vrnM 1 lmn 15 S. Country Club Dr. WO 4-8608 MESA 1951 Plymouth 4 door sedan, radio, heater, overdrive, real clean. Small down a we carry our own contracts.

Kapple Kan. Cor. 22nd St, ft. wasnington. Convertible; joe.

mane oner, School Road, 4108 East Indian $8 (1 SM (J tt SMS SM8J ,4 fi $mm 5 5 5 (M $it $8 it t.t$ OLDSMOBILE YOUR EXn.USIVE OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN PHOENIX Olds. "88" $2295- 4-DCXDR SEDAN Radio, Heater, Hydramatlc Excellent family car. Trade Your Troubles! '54 Lincoln $2495- CAPRI 4 DR SEnAN Radio, Heater. Hydramatlc, whltewall tires, electric wlndowg A seats, plus REFRIGERATION. Just like newt 54 Buick Super $2295- BARDTOP Radio.

Heater, ynaflow, power steering, 2-tone blue. One owner. Extra nice! '53 Olds 88 $1695- SUPER. 4 rR Double Eagle ws power Steering, 2 lone, RAH, Hydra Lucai one owner. '49 Buick 4 Dr.

445' New paint, excellent tires, original Interior. Far above average. Priced to sell today I Amb. $1595 COUNTRY CLUB RAH, 2 tone. An extra nice 1 owner car.

Cleanest in Phx. '52 CMC PU 795- 3 speed, ton. Custom grill guard, full rear bumper A trailer hitch. RAH, has been used as a passenger car. MONEY OLDSMOBILE 530 E.

McDowell Rd. AL 3-5161 16 '60 CHEVROLET Fordor (495 Radio, Heater, wsw ttrea JOHN HAWKINS 1430 W. Van Buren ALS-36t 53 vreRcrRr rm: Glendale Motors, llOn N.W. Gran) Clrndaie. next to dnve-la theater.

VI 7-4822. K-aaa.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.