20 Sheboygan Press, Friday, September 7, 1990 Self-employed painter doesn't plan working Saturdays after winning Lotto operation to repair a ruptured ligament she recently suffered, Ringenberg said. "It's nice just not to have to worry: This will really help a lot," he said. Mrs. Ringenberg said she is thinking of taking a trip to the Soviet republic of Latvia. She came to the United States from Latvia in 1950.
"I would like to go to Latvia. I have so many relatives I've never met," she said. Lottery spokesman Steve Madsen said Mrs. Ringenberg will receive about $826,000 a year for 20 years, after taxes. He said she will receive her first installment Friday, Sept.
21. Mrs. Ringenberg appeared at a news conference with Wisconsin Lottery officials at Pick N' Save North, where her husband bought the winning ticket for her shortly before p.m. Wednesday. "This is so new to us, we still don't know what we're going to do," she said.
"It's just like a dream." Mrs. Ringenberg, who also coaches a precision swimming team called the West Bend Dolphins, said she was an occasional lottery player, buying a ticket on a weekly basis, or sometimes two or three when the jackpot is large. She said sho had her husband buy the ticket for her this week because she could not get into town to shop. They live near Little Cedar Lake in rural West Bend. It was a $1 ticket, and the numbers were selected by computer, she said.
"It's the second ticket I ever bought," said Ringenberg. "I had good feelings about it." The Ringenbergs have three children: Gundars, 24, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Lija, 21, who plans to transfer to UW-Milwaukee to study elementary education; and Maija, 17, a senior at West Bend East High School. They said their top priority in using the winnings is financing college educations for their children. The money also will come in handy because Maija needs an WEST BEND (AP) Brent and Ilze Ringenberg say they don't know if they'll quit working after winning a $22.6 million Lotto America jackpot but the money certainly will mean more free time and fewer worries. "I definitely won't work Saturdays anymore," said Ringenberg, a self-employed painter and wallpaper hanger.
"I have some jobs I feel kind of committed to, but other than that, I don't know." Mrs. Ringenberg, a high school teacher's aide in West Bend, stepped forward Thursday to claim the jackpot the largest in state history. Wisconsin residents now have claimed the last three jackpots in the multi-state Lotto America game. Parochial enrollment stable MANITOWOC The Manitowoc Area Catholic System (MACS) appears to be holding its own from an enrollment standpoint. Preliminary figures indicate 916 students are registered in the system for the coming school year.
That compares with 902 a year ago when the system first went into operation. MACS Superintendent Ed Coffin described the enrollment figures as "encouraging." Declining enrollment and increased operating costs were among the major reasons for the consolidation program. A breakdown showed 250 students at St. Frances Cabrini Middle School, 401 at St. Francis De Sales (formerly Holy Innocents) and 265 at St.
Francis Xavier (formerly St. Andrew). Xavier and De Sales have kindergarten through grade six. Coffine recently was named superintendent to succeed Richard Peters, who will devote his entire time to duties as principal of Roncalli High School. Roncalli's enrollment is up to 357 from -317 a year ago.
Peters said the freshman class has increased to 108 from 85 last year. He said that ideally Roncalli would like its enrollment by 25 students each year. Annexations to continue MANITOWOC City officials expect annexations to continue in the northwest and southwest areas of Manitowoc. A recent survey showed that 716 acres or slightly more than one square mile of land has been added to the city in the last 10 years. The annexations have ranged in size from nearly 200 acres to less than 10 acres.
Many of the smaller annexations have occurred along Viebahn Street at the south city limits but there have been others at various outlying locations. The biggest single annexation during the 10-year period occurred in 1982 when the 195-acre Woodridge Estates area was taken into the city. It is located generally east of North Eighth Street and north of the Little Manitowoc River. The Manitowoc Common Council has a policy that it will not extend municipal services to outlying areas unless they agree to annexation. Property owners seeking annexation most frequently are concerned about the availability of sewer and water service.
Child care facility planned in Chilton allows the following combinations that many independent day care centers don't have immediate access to: Availability of emergency services and physicians. Health screenings and health education. The services of support staff such as registered dietitians, laundry and maintenance. The center will include programming for infant and toddler, preschool, before and after school and summer-time care. Center hours are tentatively planned for 6 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. sin. Several medical centers in the Fox Valley area already provide in-house child care for their employees. "They have found it is an important service to offer in retain-ing quality employees," Schumacher said.
"We wanted to to able to do the same thing for our staff." "We are hoping that people from throughout our service area will be able to make use of this new program," said Nola Van Zeeland, director of Community Outreach. Van Zeeland said a hospital-based child day care program CHILTON Plans for a new child day care program have been announced here by Calumet Medical Center. The Medical Center's board of directors have unanimously approved proceeding with plans to construct a $500,000 facility to house a community child day care facility. The center would serve as many as 70 children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years. What began as a quest for an employee-oriented program, has spilled over into a community-based program because of a need determined through mail sur veys.
"Our original thinking was to provide a benefit for our employees," said Calumet Medical Center Administrator Joseph Schumacher. "The more we got into it, the more we realized this was a need for the community at large." Surveys conducted by the medical center indicated that only 9 percent of day care needs in the hospital's service area were being met by licensed practitioners. Hospital involvement in child day care is a growing phenomenon throughout Wiscon Classified Advertising. $43,000.00 Dr. Eaan re ported that Barbara FOUND 2 GM car keys with blue tag from Bob Werner dominium Unit 22 (3526 Northshore Court) Parcel No.
232 Northshore Condominium Unit 23 (351 8 Northshore Court This is published in accordance with Sec. 75.69 of the Wisconsin oeiween Mtcnigan and Huron on 10th St. Ph 452-6198. Announcements Perhvrtz, has been elected Chairman for the CHCEB Board for Reorganization for the 1990-91 fiscal year. The stated goal of the Board is to "continue to communicate with all forces for the reorganization." The next meeting of the Curriculum Committee is scheduled for September 10, 1990.
ft was moved by Mr. McKelvey were presented at the June Board meeting were approved by Board Consensus. ft was moved by Mrs. Rusch and seconded by Mr. McKefvey to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m.
and meet in Executive Session tor the purpose of discussing: Ap- Koval of Minutes; Master Contract Bqohations Wl ST 1 9.850 Hc)f): Kohler Education Support Personnel Assoaahon (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 )(c)f; Public Records Request (Wl ST Statutes. This parcel will be sold to the highest bidder at the appraised value othigher. but at no time lower. Allseofed bids shall be mailed to or Presented ot the Sheboygan County reosurers Office and sholl be marked Real Estate Bi(T on the FOUND- Cat. Young black and white female cat found near N.
9th St. and Pershing Ave. Call 458-9835 or 457-9035. 002-022 Parcel No. 2JJ iNormsnore condominium Unit 24 (3516 Northshore Court! Parcel No.
234 Northshore Condominium Unit 25 (351 1 Northshore Court! Parcel No. 235 Northshore Condominium Unit 26 (3509 Northshore Court Parcel No. 236 Northshore Condominium Unit 27 (351 5 Normshort Court! outside of the envelope. and seconded by Mrs. Rusch to adopt the school evaluation con Wednesday, July 18, 1990 Present: Roger W.
Stronger, president; Robert J. Braun, vice president; Constance J. Rusch, clerk; Thomas E. Redly, treasurer; Edward J. McKefvey, director; John R.
Egan, district administrator; Cyril T. Blaser, curriculuminstruction; Lynn Gadzinski, high school principal. Excused; Student Council Representative. The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the president, Roger W.
Strenger. Roll was taken by the clerk and is listed above. Dr. Egan reported that the notice of the public meeting was printed in 'The Sheboygan Press" ana ogendas were posted. Two items, Official WASB Region 8 Election Notke (Regular Meeting) and Teaching Staff Resignations (Ex IV.BSUHcHt 9.85(1 )(c)(f): place in Ravine Pork on Wednesday evening or, in the event of rain, Thursday evening either in the park or the theater dependent upon the weather.
Motion earned. ft was moved by Mr. McKelvey and seconded by Mr. Reilly to op-prove the administrative recommendation to move the storting time for graduation to 7:00 p.m. ft was moved by Mr.
Braun and seconded by Mr. McKelvey to participate in the CESA 7 Drug Free consortium for the 1 990-91 school year and sign the necessary papers for the districts participation. Motion carried. ft was reported that the AOD grant proposal written by Mrs. Gadzinski for 'Protect Focus" was approved in the amount of $1 5,797.
The protect is aimed at "at risk" high school students who fall between special education classes and the regular curriculum. Dr. Egan reported that second AOD grant, this one written by Joyce Atkins for an "After School tenter" sortium (btC long range program imorovement olan as presented. Mo Student Suspension (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 )(c)(f); Staff Position (Wl ST 002 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Bids will be opened on September 24, 1990) Sheboygan County Finance Committee Sandra A. Fischer County Treasurer CEMETERY LOTS Keport Custodial eport ustodiol .008 tion carried.
Dr. Eaan referred Board members FOUND gray striped tiger siameze cat. Male, declawed, found in area between 10th Logan. Call between 11am-Spm. 458-8399.
FIVE cemetery lots available at Greenlawn. Will sell all or divide. $175 ea. 452-8723. to the Personal Development Curriculum for Grade 7 which was developed and written by Karen Sullivan this summer.
Copies of the curriculum were included in the Parcel no. rNormsnore condominium Unit 26 (351 7 Northshore Court! Parcel No. 238 Northshore Condominium Unit 29 (3521 Northshore Court! TRAVEL 018 FOUND- Tent Poles on Lakeshore and Wilson. Must identify, 458-1588. ADS HAPPY 010 Pored No.
239 Northshore con 1 Mc(f): Report on Administrative GoalsObjectives (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 )(c)(f); Administrative Staff Contracts (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 McHft: Teacher resignations (Wl ST 1 9 850 )(cl(f); Teacher Contracts (Wl ST 19.85(V)(cHf); Teacher Contract. Guidance Counselor Position (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 )(c)(f); Administrative Staff Contracts (Wl ST 1 9.85(1 )(c)(f). Mo-tion carried. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be the 3rd Wednesday of August 15, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school library.
CONSTANCE J. RUSCH, Clerk dominium Unit 30 (3523 Northshore AMERICAN AIRLINE TICKET One way, Chlcago-O'Hare, to San Jose, CA, Asking $100. Ph. 452-4944. REPLIES To the following blind ads have been received up to 4:30 p.m.
YESTERDAY at The Press Office. Replies will be mailed Friday those replies designated to be picked up will only be held, one week after the ad is out of the paper, these numbers have responses to your ad: 2068, 2083,2104,2105.2108,2109, 2110,2112.2113,2115, 2119, 2123,2124,2129,2130,2132, 2133. ecutive oessionf were aaaeo to me agenda. Following these odditions. the agenda was approved by Board PARAKEET found in the vicinity of 14th and St Clare.
459-9130. consensus. Board packets. Board Policies Series 600 Fiscal Management was presented for first reading by the Board. Dr.
Egan reported the black-topping project has been completed. Work is progressing on the remodeling of the art classrooms. Hearing units are needed for the completion of the second floor classrooms. These rooms will be ready for the opening of school, ft was the consensus of the was a so aooroved in the amount of LOST FOUND 020 was moved by Mr. Broun and Court Parcel No.
240 Northshore Condominium Unit 31 (1006 W.llow Avenue) Parcel No. 241 Northshore Condominium Unit 32 (1008 Willow Avenuef Parcel No. 242 Northshore Condominium Unit 33 (1014 Willow 022 PERSONALS $19,300. this one year project will focus on scheduled, registration re seconded by Mr. McKelvey to op-orove the minutes of the reauiar HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL THOMPSON Mailroom Manager From the Press Publishing Company quired, acnvmes tor elementary school children.
Cooies of the booklet ore oared for the Annual District Meeting were Board to do a walk-around building inspection' prior to the start of the board meeting of June 1 8, 1 990, as printed. The motion carried. ft was moved by Mr. Braun and seconded by Mr. McKelvey to op-prove administration and instruction invoices in the amount of $1 79,569.46.
Motion carried. ft was moved by Mr. McKelvey and seconded by Mr. Braun to ap included in tne ooara packets, me tina is scheduled tor Monday, August meeting. FOUND ANIMALS DOGS: springer spaniel collie mix, female.
Shepherd mix, female. CATS: shorthaired black and tan tabby female, shorthaired gray tabby with white female, shorthaired white orange tabby with white, male, long-haired silver tabby female, Siamese field point, male neutered, longhaired black female. Humane Society, 458-2012. July 23, 1 990 Budget Hearing to begin at 7:30 p.m. and the Annual Meeting for 8 00 p.m.
012 LEGALS it was moved oy Mrs. Kuscn ana seconded by Mr. Broun to accept the bid of Rich Roetse distributing, Golden Guernsey, to supply milk for me elementary milk program and the I I i i lL- ioon oi PERSONAL DATING SERVICE NEW IN THE VALLEY Are you bored weekends? Sick of the bar scene? Want companionship, lasting relationships? Then Appleton 729-0143 Fond du Lac 688-2565 Oshkosh 236-0304 Money back guarantee. (Limited applications accepted) Pub. Aug.
3 1 Sept. 7, Sept. 1 4, 1 990 SALE OF TAX MUNQUENT REAL ESTATE CITY OF SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Parcel No. 228 Northshore Condominium Unit 19 (3521 High Cliff Circle) Parcel No. 229 Northshore Condominium Unit 20 (3523 High Cliff Circle Parcel No.
230 Northshore Condominium Unit 21 (3528 Northshore Courtl Parcel No. 231 Northshore Con Avenue) Parcel No. 243 Northshore Condominium Unit 34 (1016 Willow Avenue) (TOGETHER WITH CON. DOMINIUM INTERESTS ACCORDING TO CONDOMINIUM BYLAWS) THIS IS BUILDABLE LAND ONLY THERE ARE NO BUILDINGS ON THE PORTION BEING SOLD) (FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT SANDRA FISCHER -COUNTY TREASURER) SIZE OF LOT 195 300 Sheboygan 457-7711 Plymouth 892-6409 Toll Free 1-800-686-3900 2 or prove rood service and Uperation and Maintenance invoices in the amount of 1 3,746.91 Motion ft was moved bv Mr. Rei rv and Mrs.
oodzmski and ur. egan gave reports on the Ollie Berge Leadership Conferences they attended in July. The week-long nigh intensity conferences were devoted to leadership styles and developing leadership teams for effective schools. The District Goals and Objectives for the 1990-91 school year which SCHOOL DISTRICT OF KOMLER KOHLER PUBLIC SCHOOLS KOHLER. WISCONSIN $3044-1598 Proceedings of the Regular Board Meeting school year.
Motion carried. It was moved by Mr, McKelvey and seconded by Mrs. Rusch to schedule scroll night for Wednesday eventng with Thursday evening os the seconded by Mr. McKelvey to ap FOUND Child's watch on South side beach Sept. 1.
Call 457-2658. prove me nnanaai statements or July 1 8, 1 990 printed. Motion Kom uare. ine acnvmes to taxe HARLEY DAVIDSON 1980 FORD 1967 Mustang Con OLDS 1985 Ciera- AC, cruise, FORD Thunderbird 1978 new tires, brakes battery, needs front end work, best offer. PROBE 1989, must sell! Air, cruise, CD.
$8,300 or best offer. Call 894-2343. CAMPER TRAILER 16ft, sleeps 4, A-1. $1,100. 452-6945.
SLT, full dresser, $5,200. Call 458-7571. after 5 om. PIONEER stereo system stereo, amp speakers, 1 year old. $700 new, must sell for $500offer.
892-4685. vertible, 6 cylinder, automatic, $2900. Ph. after 4. 668-6014.
no rust, 4-door sedan, good tires, excellent running. 452-9310. Transportat 4b2-Z783. KAWASAKI 1985 700 LTD, excellent condition, $1,300. Ph.
452-9546. FORMULA 350 Firebird 1989- RENAULT 1984 Fuego-loaded, does not run, but can be used for parts. $600 or best Offer. 457-6488. SNOW TIRES (2) on rims, P1 95-75M 4, excellent condition, $35 each.
457-7173 FORD 1983 Mustang, air, low SHASTA 1971 travel trailer, 13 sink, stove, retrig, new attached awning screen house. Sleeps 4. Excellent condition. First $1,000 takes. 452-6706.
OLDS 1983 CUSTOM CRUISER full size 3 seat V-8 wagon, 74,000 original 1 owner 12.000 miles, loaded, plus extended warranty. $14,500 or offer. 458-4875. miles, no rust, $4,000 or Best Offer. Ph.
876-2870. 102-118 KAWASAKI 1985, Ninja, 600R, vance and hine headers, $2,000. 898-4651. SAAB 1984 900 Turbo, 1990 GMC SAFARI CON FORD 1983 Escort wagon, TIRES 4 Goodyear Tiempo, P20575 15, mounted on AMC Eagle rims. Less than 50 miles on tires, $250 or offer.
693-8501. leather, 5 speed, Clarion with EQ, 1 15,000 miles, like new, $5,300 or offer. 893-0805. VERSION VAN, 5,500 miles, loaded, $17,495 YAMAHA -1989 350, Big Bear ATV, All accessories, mint condition. $3350.
565-2411 after 5. 102 AUTOS FOR SALE KAWASAK1 1981 250 cc motorcycle. 2,400 original miles. $450. 452-6230 after 5pm.
good mileage car. low miles, $2,350, excellent shape, power steering. Ph. 458-6757. miles every option including rooftop carrier, cass stereo, air, cruise, tilt, power windows locks, wire wheels Michelin tires light blue metallic.
EXCEPTIONAL CONDITION BETTER THAN WAGONS MUCH NEWER. Excellent value at $4,395. 459-8881. CHEVY -1984 Chevette, lower miles, no rust, 565-4143 1990 ASTRO STARCRAFT SUBARU 1979, 59.000 miles, CONVERSION, Loaded, 5.000 miles. $16,995 112 116 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS solid good running car, $1 .700 or best offer.
Ask for Mike, 458-9925. FORD 1979 Fairmont, ex- 1990 OLDS CUTLASS SU TRUCKS AND TRAILERS RM 250 1979 Suzuki, runs excellent, awsome power, great playbike, $800 or best offer. 452-5840, ask for Chad. cellent shape. Call 467-6779.
1981 Cutlass 4-door 1981 Malibu 4-door 1980 Omega 2-door 1980 Regal 2-door Town and Country Auto 467-3291 Hwy PREME SL, 4 door, Loaded, $14,395 OLDS 1982 Omega, low T-BIRD 1 963, good condition, CHEVY 1983 Impala, 4 door, looks and runs excellent, $1,595. 100 cars to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ken always sells for less. Ken's Budget Auto, 908 Penn.
458-4221. FORD Fairmont 1978- pretty 1989 PONTIAC SUNBIRD SE, Kri. 4S2-n91. Turbo, 6,600 miles, $9995 BRONCO 1 985 4x4, aluminum rims, Rancho suspension. Must seel Asking $5.995.
458-3436. good snape, good winter beater. $500. 565-3843. GOLDWING INTERSTATE -1985, 1, 200 cc, 12,500 miles.
Excellent condition, $4,200. Call mornings, 457-6O80. miles, excellent tires, immaculate, $1,900. 458-0009, John. 1989 OLDS CUTLASS SU SUZUKI 1980 GS 450.
11,000 miles. $475 or best offer. 459-8791. AUD1 1981 5000 S. Fuel injection, air, cruise, Texas car Must seHI 565-3893.
FORD Mustang 1978, 4 cyl, PREME, 2 door, loaded, 12,000 miles $11,995 OLDS 1979 Cutlass Salon- V-8 TOYOTA MR2 1987, red, T-top. 5 speed, power windows, locks, cruise, Pirelli tires, bra, excellent condition. Asking $8.000. 457-1814, after 5 pm. stick, needs fly wheel.
$100. 457-7444 or 457-6289. 1989 PONTIAC SUNBIRD automatic, no rust, runs good, $900. 458-0146. YAMAHA 3 wheeler, 125 cc, $325.
Call 565-2518, after 5 pm. CHEVY 1982 Chevette, 4 door, hatchback, 41,000 miles, Ph. 876-3128. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1988, FXRT, Sport Glide, 10,000 miles. $6750.
668-6014 after 4 p.m. 1988 FORD Branco, 4x4, V-8, air, AMFM, rear defogger, western snowplow, light bar, 9,000 miles, $11,995. Westerbeke of Oostburg 564-2414 CONVERTIBLE, Loaded, $12 695 ALL TRADES WELCOME FORD T-Bird 1985, 60,000 AUDI GT Coupe 1 985- 5 speed, alarm system, loaded. 60,000 miles. Asking $5,900.
Call 668-8950 before 2pm or after 7pm. TOYOTA Camry LE 1985, 4 114 miles, $4,500 or best offer. Call 452-3727. OLDS 1979 Cutlass. Silver, T-tops, looks sharp.
457-1348 or 457-4995 3:30 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES CONCEPT MOTORS door, air, cruise, excellent condition. 452-5956. HONDA -1 983 V-45. black with fairing. Ph.
467-4995 CHEVY 1978 Impala wagon, trailer hitch, new brakesmuffler. $995offer, 892-4777. 13th Michigan 458-2950 OLDS 1979- asking $700 or 106 AUTO REPAIRS oest oner, can Gary aner 6pm. 467-2949. PARTSACCESSORIES PONTIAC Bonneville 1987, 4 door, power steering, brakes locks, air, tilt, cruise, AMFM cass.
Southern driven only. 452-3294. JEEP Cherokee Larado 1986-navy blue, clean, good condition. $8,500. 457-2672.
CHEVY Monza 1978 467-2551 between 9am-2pm. 25,000 miles on rebuilt 4 cylinder. CORNERS DODGE ASTRO GRAPH Bernice Bede Osol 10BO PIVMOIJTH ACCLAIM LINCOLN 1979 Mark 5, no oooo tires, stszb or gooa oner. PLYMOUTH 1985 Voyager LE, 99,000 miles, excellent condition, new oil every 1.500 miles. $5,900.
Call evenings after 5:30 457-3366 1 990 OLDS 98 Regency 4 door. LX, auto, air, V6, 17,000 milea, EL CAMINO PARTS fits 1978-87. Lockable, hard toneau cover, easily removable, rubber bed rear window sunshield. $150 for all. 452-1095 after 5 rust, stored winters, 400 en-gine, $5,000 firm, 459-7844 CHEVY Nova 1974- runs good, $10 995 1989 DODGE SPIRIT ES TURBO Full power $9995 viw or oest oner, bail arter 3pm.
452-7797. MAZDA RX7 1988, 10,500 miles, air, sunroof, cruise, ex-Iras. Stored winters. 564-3933. Your (Birthday loaded, 3,000 miles, $18,995.
1990 PONTIAC 6000 SE station wagon, all the equipment, V-6, 5,000 miles, $14,195. 1989 CHEVY Celebrity 4 door, 4 lots of equipment, 12,000 miles, $9,995. Westerbeke of Oostburg 564-2414 CONVERTIBLE -TR7, 1980, 4 PLYMOUTH 1983 Reliant, great winterback to school car, rusty but trustyl 38 mpg, 4 speed, air, 2 door. $975 or Offer. 452-0373.
a speed, 57,000 miles, $950. 467-2341. Factory Rebuilt Engines One Year Warranty RHINE AUTO, INC Phone 876-2779 Sheb Area 452-8466 Installation Available 1989CHtVHULtl BtHfcl 16.000 miles, $8995 1989 DODGE DYNASTY, auto, air, V6, 11,000 miles, $10,995 1989 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER. $9995 1988 FORD TEMPO, auto. air.
MAZDA RX7 1986, 47,000 miles, asking $6,500. Call 467-1839. CONVERTIBLE 1973 MGB, must sell, low miles but needs work. $695 459-7890 PONTIAC 1985 Sunbird, 2 door, 5 speed, stereo, tape, excellent condition, rear defroster. 284-0374 after 4 MAZDA RX-7 1980- new en 39.000 miles.
$6395 gine, clutch, brakes, and paint. AmFm cassette, AC, sunroof, BUICK 1986 Century LTD, 4 door, maroon, loaded, leather seats, 1 15,000 miles, $4,200. Ph. 457-9316 after 5. PONTIAC 1984 Phneniv CORVAIR 1966, comes from Texas, very solid body, good restoration project.
Asking Answers to today's Word Sleuth BIRDS 1988 DODGE 600, auto, air, $5995 1987 MERCURY TOPAZ, $4995 iqb7 nnnfiP omni very good condition. $2,600 or oest oner. $1,500. 994-2180 Coupe. 4 cyl, 114,000 miles.
AMFM radio, air. Excepting bids thru 91790. 994-4362, weekdays 8 am to 5 pm, Frt, 8 994-9203, leave message. BUICK 1975- V-6 auto, buckets, stereo, tilt, good condition. $450.
457-0843. MGB convertible -1 969, stored, 1987 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE V-6, air, $7995 needs minor work. $3,200. Call 693-8501. am lo pm, asu lor jen or ren.
1987 PONTIAC GRAND AM COUGAR 1977 XR-7, 7,000 miles on rebuilt V-8, power moon roof, AMFM cass, new tires more, $1,995. Also, Antn air CAQQ MUSTANG 1989 LX. 18,000 BUICK Century Limited 1984-V-6, 3.0 air, cruise, amfm stereo, repo for bids. Cleve miles, completely loaded, ex 1 987 NISSAN SENTR A Wagon 4x4 33,000 miles, $5995 Beta VUH, Sou. 633-3205.
PONTIAC 1980 Grand Lemans Wagon 6 air, cassette, new exhaust, brakes, hitch, 63,000 miles, $1,295. Ph. 457-7173 cellent condition. $9,000 nego land State Hank. 693-8256 day you hope will appease another could prove unwise, because you might have to make a type of commitment you'll later be unable to fulfill.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) In order to be a productive achiever today you're going to have to maintain a rather steady schedule, ff you do things in fits and starts you'll have more beginnings than endings. ARIES (March 21 -April 19) Your well planned budget could endup being just a piece of paper with numbers on it today if you ignore it in order to cater to your extravagant momentary whims. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) might be imprudent today to bank too heavily on what you think is your ace In the hole. Serious involvements should be treated responsibly and not left up to a capricious turn of chance.
GEMINI (May 21 -June 20) Keeping secrets may not be your long suit today and there is a chance you may talk about something confidential to a person who it definitely not supposed to be on the listening list. CANCER (June 21 -July 22) You have the ability to weigh and balance situations rather accurately today, yet you might do something foolish against your better judgment that will not go too well for you financially. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You won't be lacking ideas today but quantify is not assurance of quality, ff associates or companions thinks their suggestions are better, they may be right. Send for your Astro-Graph predictions today.
Mail $1.25 to Astro-Graph, co this newspaper, P.O. Box 91 428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. Be sure to fate your zodiac sign. Copyright 1990 Newspaper Enterprise Assn. tiable.
467-ooar. BUICK LASABRE 1979, air, 1986 DODGE 600, auto, air, $2995 1986 BUICK CENTURY, auto, air, $4495 1986 MERCURY NISSAN 1988 200 SXSE COUNTRY Sguire Wagon 1983- full size V-8, loaded, excellent condition. Daughter at school, must sell. Asking am-fm radio, good condition. 452-6741.
Black, hatchback, 25.000 PONTIAC 1977 LeMans. $350. Call 458-6814. miles. Best offer.
452-2339. W.suu. loz-ooso or 4SZ-2996 1986 CHRYSLER 5th AVE' CAMARO 1987, V6, 5 speed MFI, Air, black-grey interior SflSDO neantiahle. Ph Ml IF KfiOlK OLDS 1983 Delta 88. diesel, DODGE Asoen 1979-1 owner.
September 8, 1990 Exciting developments ore in the offing for you in the year ahead. You will have several opportunities to correct old mistakes and turn failures into victories. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Strive to be enthusiastic and optimistic today bnd not just a wisWul thinker.
Leaving things to chance and keeping your fingers crossed doesn't guarantee success. Know where to look for romance and you'll find it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Being non-judgmentol and trusting definitely has its place, but not necessarily in your commercial affairs todoy.
Don't take people for granted in this area. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) an arrangement isn't all you were told if would be, don't be hesitant to renegotiate it immediately. Unamended you might come out the loser.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Your finoncial trends look encouraging today, provide you're willing to work for what you hope to get. Dame Fortune might Ignore you when she's passing out goodies on a silver planer. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jon.
19) rf you're going to take gambles on anything or onybody today, bet on yourself and your own endeavors. Outsider! and outside in-. te rests are poor second choices. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb, 19) A decision you're contemplating making to PONTIAC 1971 Catallna Brougham, runs good, $400.
Ph. 452-4434. $3,000. Ph. 459-9223 or 90,000 original miles, 225 CL, 6 1985 BUICK REGAL Auto, air $4495 452-4284.
Am best. Ask for 458-5581. cynnoer, very clean, some rust. Mark. swow oner.
565-4158 eves. 1985 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, $1995 1985 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, CAVALIER 1988, power FIERO 1987- Great shape, air. CELEBRITY CIPHER Celebrity Clptwr etyptogrimt ortited from quouiiont by lamout people. pt end Each teller the cipher ilendi tor another. Totoy'i due.
0 qu1 W. automatic, CD, anvfm radio. locks, rear defog, air, AMrM, 6 speed, $4,000. 358-1362 Call 452-6609. $2495 1985 PLYMOUTH RELIANT Wnn mrtn air $290,5 CAVALIER 1988 Z-24.
Auto, FIESTA 1978, good runner. needs head gasket, $300. air, 24,700 miles, extra clean, asking $9,700. 458-6444. CRUISER Automatic, air.
8 ask tor Mike, 458-9925. pass $6995 FIREBIRD 1980- 6 cylinder, CHEVELLE 1975 Malibu Classic, 2 dodr, V-8. no rust, 19B5 HONDA AUCUHU LA 51 ,000 miles. $6995 1985 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, niitn tTOCA auto, runs good, $1,500 "SEE 1418 20 St 45f-a)a aner epm. UBND IYZRKR JA IDEOT PBIX, IYK EK LJDRO'K PBRK RUDPPDX PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "If I had dona verythlng I'm credited with, I'd speaking to you from laboratory Jar at Harvard." Frank Sinatra.
CHEVETTE- 4 dr. auto trans. 1984 PLYMOUTH GRAND FORD 1 989 Temrjo GL 2 rlnnr cruise, air, tilt, power mirrors 39,000 miles, very good cond. 452-7318. ana iocks, a speeg manual, 1 rUHY, $1995 1984 CHRYLSER LEBARON.
$3995 5 CORNERS DODGE year old, 10.000 miles. matnder of manufacturer war ranty, black with chrome trim CHEVY 1987 Spectrum, 26.000 miles, extra dean, asking $5,300. 528-7246. 1292 Hwy. 143 Cedarburg 1-600-451-6180 reo inienor.
lBH rat 528-8067 or 628-8656. 1M0 by NEA. Inc..